I guess when I see someone eating TOfu, that is in the complete absence of eating animal flesh.

I guess it would be like smoking a cigarette in the hospital.


Just how she is. And not just with me. For example, I remember one time we went to see my buddy’s GF (now wife), who is a singer, do a show with her band. She asked my wife afterward, “How did you like the show?” Wifey’s response was, “it’s good to be out.”

that's hilarious. im gonna use these type of responses at work.
For starters his family spoiled him and always cooked for him when he was single/dating. Or he ate out. He tried to make me eggs once and legit put cinnamon in them. Not sure if this was ignorance or his attempt to be funny. But trust me the man can’t cook. Which is disturbing because it’s a life skill. Our kids will know how to cook. My son already loves helping me out.
:rofl: :rofl:

I can see it now Oh this cinnamon about to set these eggs off!!

people having trouble telling if their own dish is good or not?
do you even need wifey to tell you?
people having trouble telling if their own dish is good or not?
do you even need wifey to tell you?
Some people don't know when their own body produces foul odors (mouth, armpits, privates), so tasting YOUR own food isn't always that easy.
I usually know when I make something that isn’t that good.

But also, my wife, my son and I don’t have exactly the same taste in food. So I might like something that they’re not crazy about. If that’s the case, I want to just know so I don’t bother cooking it again for the whole family. I’ll save it for those occasions when I’m just cooking for me.
people having trouble telling if their own dish is good or not?
do you even need wifey to tell you?

so i mostly cook for mygirl and kids and thier pallette aint that diverse.

i need help with salting. Everything is salty to
Me when it really isnt. My girl is very good at it because shes a pastry chef. She’s use to balancing sweet and salty ingredients in food.
May not be a lot of fans of frozen pizza in here and I've never been a fan much either but...if anyone happens across Digiorno's croissant crust pizza you should consider it. It's legitimately good.
Made a horrible mistake couple of nights ago
Totino’s pizza rolls was on sale for $.99 and I figured I’ll buy a box for a quick snack
Then I proceeded to have one of the worst case of diarrhea that I can remember
I was just glad it wasn’t food poisoning
Never again
For starters his family spoiled him and always cooked for him when he was single/dating. Or he ate out. He tried to make me eggs once and legit put cinnamon in them. Not sure if this was ignorance or his attempt to be funny. But trust me the man can’t cook. Which is disturbing because it’s a life skill. Our kids will know how to cook. My son already loves helping me out.

Not even going to get into his family. Let’s just say the aunts called themselves “helping me” make thanksgiving one year and all I could eat was what I made.

luckily we spend one day a week focusing on him learning how to cook simple dishes now for the kids. So he’s got breakfast down working on easy dinners now.

Reminds me when i was younger and renting a basement from this family. Came upstairs and the little girl says "daddy cooks eggs". I said ok cool. She says "eggs are black". Im like wtf this kids zooked, eggs are black? I just assumed he burned them.

Fool was putting malt vinegar and a1 in the eggs 🤢
That don’t go? :lol:

Made a horrible mistake couple of nights ago
Totino’s pizza rolls was on sale for $.99 and I figured I’ll buy a box for a quick snack
Then I proceeded to have one of the worst case of diarrhea that I can remember
I was just glad it wasn’t food poisoning
Never again
Pepperoni pizza rolls are 🔥🔥
Gotta put them in the toaster oven tho
Theres a reason they were on sale for 99cents. Had to offload that trash, same way subway got the promo for the "tuna"
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