Nobody in here drinks pomegranate juice ? Nobody…..

What are you guys thoughts on seltzer water?

Most are gross IMO. Its like taking perfectly good water and making it worse. If I crave something carbonated I just drink soda but I get this may be a healthier replacement for people with a soda addiction.
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You've never eaten something dense in calories and afterwards felt that it wasn't even worth wasting a cheat/bad meal on?

An example of a waste of calories would be eating some trash pizza or a weak burger. If I'm going to consume something on that level, at least let it be good.

Simple concept that we all understand even if we are unwilling to admit so.
I don’t look at food that way… unless you're a pro fighter trying to make weight I just don't see why something would be a "waste of calories" :lol:

Eat to eat.

Calories don’t factor in.

If I eat a lousy burger, I ate a lousy burger. The calories don’t come to mind. I just say I won’t order that burger again or from that establishment again.
Pretty much this.
I don’t look at food that way… unless you're a pro fighter trying to make weight I just don't see why something would be a "waste of calories" :lol:

Not all calories are created equal. A glass of juice is little more than an insulin spike

It's not even so much about the number of calories in that example as it is the quality

I pass on juice for the same reason I don't eat dessert or drink alcohol with every meal

Unless you are someone who eats unlimited sugars at some point you have to pick and choose what those are
Their patties are so small now that a quad is like a Carl's Jr single.

One article says the quad is 1lb another article says it's 1/2 lb. Nothing on the official BK site yet. We are in a wait and see situation. Hoping it's a full 1lb especially if they want more than $5 for it.
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