pizza from around the way.

Any of you do fasting? Was watching a clip of a neuroscientist and he tells people not to eat until 2pm and to just drink water and coffee until then. he tells this to people who want to lose weight and have more energy. Not eating until 2pm I would barely be able to function.
I eat once a day have since Highschool. I was also looking into fasting as I get older. I was considering the 12/2 method but I damn near do that already. Was thinking of trying a juice cleanse for 7 days
Once you're used to the fasting routine and do it correctly, not eating until 2, omad or not at all is the easiest thing in the world.
Any of you do fasting? Was watching a clip of a neuroscientist and he tells people not to eat until 2pm and to just drink water and coffee until then. he tells this to people who want to lose weight and have more energy. Not eating until 2pm I would barely be able to function.

I’ve done something different recently. I used to not eat breakfast other than sometimes some sort of granola bar and coffee. My wife got us on this thing where you have certain stuff to eat every day - it’s pretty low fat, moderate carbs, tons of fruit and veg - so you eat regularly but I’ve barely seen any pop or junk food since September. I start most mornings with either a smoothie (mainly veg with some protein powder) or an egg and vegetable dish and have been eating like 8 portions of fruit/veg every day. I feel pretty great and as of this morning I’m 28lbs lighter.

The main advantage is just breaking bad habits - I had a bad habit before of waiting too long and then just eating crap, and eating stuff like chips while watching TV. I don’t really have any desire for that now - I’ll grab some fruit or a few nuts instead (and it’s really a few - like 12 pistachios is what they say to have - not the whole bag…) Seems like it helps stabilise my blood sugar too - before I used to go up and down much more.
Does skipping breakfast count as fasting?

Technically yes but what is the motivation behind skipping breakfast?
Hosted Friendsgiving but didn’t really take any pics other than this since our kids were wylin the whole time.

Knew the mac was gonna be wack given who made it, so I didn’t even include on this plate :lol:


1. How many kids were in the house?

2. If yall knew the Macaroni and cheese person was inefficient, Why did yall still give them the assignment?
Technically yes but what is the motivation behind skipping breakfast?

1. How many kids were in the house?

2. If yall knew the Macaroni and cheese person was inefficient, Why did yall still give them the assignment?
6 kids.

We didn’t assign anything. It’s what THEY chose to bring.
Any of you do fasting? Was watching a clip of a neuroscientist and he tells people not to eat until 2pm and to just drink water and coffee until then. he tells this to people who want to lose weight and have more energy. Not eating until 2pm I would barely be able to function.

i eat at 12 pm and 5 pm. 2 meals a day. That’s it. Not hard once you get used to it.
What're some good food items to bring to a Friendsgiving? You guys know me I'm the :emoji_pizza: guy. Recently my younger bro & his wife had their gender reveal & celebrated at their place & being who I am I never go to an event empty handed. So I always ask what I should bring food wise & I told them I'll bring pizza. They told me pizza isn't a food you bring to a gender reveal type of event :lol: so I had to switch it up to naan & kebabs.

Then earlier today we were having a discussion on Thanksgiving & I'll be spending it with them at my brother's wife's family. So, as per usual I asked what should I bring & I said how about pizza? Again I was told pizza wouldn't be a food one brings to a Thanksgiving dinner. I mean if everyone else covers the Thanksgiving line-up like turkey, mac n chz, potato salad, cornbread etc...what is wrong with adding pizza to the mix? Pizza is the undisputed GOAT like Mike. They said I should consider a dessert item instead perhaps pastries or something.

We all 3 are having a Friendsgiving at the cousins place day after & I told em like last year I will be bringing pizza. They told me again, that pizza is not a Friendsgiving type food. Are they wildin or what they're saying makes somewhat sense? And when I say pizza I'm not talking run-of-the-mill plain jane regular pie from some random pizza joint. You guys have seen the pics & know I get some 🔥:emoji_pizza:. Told em when I get married I'm having mobile outdoor pizza ovens at my venue :lol:.
EYE don't think it's weird, Z. plenty of different dishes to make/bring to a friendsgiving. nothing wrong with pizza that people can snack on as an appetizer

but given the feedback you got, definitely go with a dessert. a really nice apple or pecan pie with some ice cream people can scoop on top :pimp:
What're some good food items to bring to a Friendsgiving? You guys know me I'm the :emoji_pizza: guy. Recently my younger bro & his wife had their gender reveal & celebrated at their place & being who I am I never go to an event empty handed. So I always ask what I should bring food wise & I told them I'll bring pizza. They told me pizza isn't a food you bring to a gender reveal type of event :lol: so I had to switch it up to naan & kebabs.

Then earlier today we were having a discussion on Thanksgiving & I'll be spending it with them at my brother's wife's family. So, as per usual I asked what should I bring & I said how about
pizza? Again I was told pizza wouldn't be a food one brings to a Thanksgiving dinner. I mean if everyone else covers the Thanksgiving line-up like turkey, mac n chz, potato salad, cornbread etc...what is wrong with adding pizza to the mix? Pizza is the undisputed GOAT like Mike. They said I should consider a dessert item instead perhaps pastries or something.

We all 3 are having a Friendsgiving at the cousins place day after & I told em like last year I will be bringing
pizza. They told me again, that pizza is not a Friendsgiving type food. Are they wildin or what they're saying makes somewhat sense? And when I say pizza I'm not talking run-of-the-mill plain jane regular pie from some random pizza joint. You guys have seen the pics & know I get some 🔥:emoji_pizza:. Told em when I get married I'm having mobile outdoor pizza ovens at my venue :lol:.
Also get new friends and family. I mean you can't get new family but yeah. It's about getting together and eating an unreasonable amount of food. I've been to a Friendsgiving where bro & his chick brought BBQ ribs & potato salad. Did we immediately clown them for confusing November for July? Yes. Did we ACTUALLY care? Not at aaaallll. Had a blast. 🔥🔥🔥 (Ribs were ffffffffiiiiiiiire, just like I'm sure the pie you bring will be.)
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