Do you like french cuisine?

Parc could be a very dope spot to hit before a game. 4-5 min walk from your hotel than can take broad st line to the game

Let me know what you like and ill throw some ideas out

Lots and lots of dope restaurants in that area
I’ve seen that one before! That looks great haven’t been there yet. French is cool, Italian is my fav and even something not that fancy I’m cool with some wings and burgers lol. Was thinking something near the Wells Fargo center
I’ve seen that one before! That looks great haven’t been there yet. French is cool, Italian is my fav and even something not that fancy I’m cool with some wings and burgers lol. Was thinking something near the Wells Fargo center


Chickie and petes cool but meh can get that at the arena

You should check this out in the navy yard


katz deli. always avoided this place cause it’s seen as a tourist trap but it was solid. better than Langers in LA.
Anyone used one of these I was given this. Is it similar to an air fryer
We have one my mom got us for Christmas a few years back

The crisp lid is essentially an air fryer - I sometimes do wings with that and we use it for potatoes and tater tots too

The pressure cooker is awesome for multiple chicken breasts for an easy dinner.

Im sure you can do a whole lot more with it but its pretty great tbh
I got 2 instapots that a LIVE by. I can't remember the last time I put rice, noodles or grits in a pot. It also does meats really good. You can cook chicken breast from frozen in like 5 minutes.
We got the 12-1 InstantPot, my wife loves it.

I love reheating wings or air-frying tots :pimp:
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