From a flavor and depth perspective in a dish.. it makes sense

I guess it’s the same reaction some people have when they hear of people putting little weenies in a crock pot with bbq sauce and grape jelly. Hard to wrap your head around for a sec.
This white broad I used to pipe from Chicago told me Portillo's puts mayonnaise in their shakes :sick:

I'm not a mayo hater, but I couldn't even finish it after that :lol:
last night
Crock pot. Cool.
BBQ sauce. I'm on board.
Lil smokies. Yessir!
Jelly. ...
Jelly. ...

Chocolate chili.
Jelly BBQ.
I thought we made fun of America for sugarizing everything. We just leaning into it now?
Yeah, my wife made some sort of meatball in the crockpot with grape jelly in it one Super Bowl.

You can't taste it in anyway, so IDK what it adds to the dish :lol:
Yall have probably had it and didnt even know it back in the modern mid center evil times when pot lucks were a thing.
Pot luck slander?
I can't wait for next Leap Day in 4 years. This one's already trash.
Re: Meet balls with Jelly

If the logic is to add sweetness, why not use something that makes more sense with BBQ sauce?

Brown sugar

He'll, Maple's Sugar?
Re: Meet balls with Jelly

If the logic is to add sweetness, why not use something that makes more sense with BBQ sauce?

Brown sugar

He'll, Maple's Sugar?
Brown sugar and molasses probably needs more attention to balance in the mix or you could make it too powerful

It’s not exactly top level chefs bringing this dish to a potluck.

Lil smokies
Bbq sauce
Some jelly

Call it a day
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