Looking for an answer.......
If the question presented a similar situation, I would answer.

But I am not seeing how eating those things matters if it has already been revealed that the VISUAL of balut is what causes folks to turn their noses up.

The conversation should be about VISUALS.
How does balut differ from a Peking duck.

Or a whole pig.

A raw oyster, visually, is disgusting, but nobody cares about that.

A lobster even.
How does balut differ from a Peking duck.

Or a whole pig.

A raw oyster, visually, is disgusting, but nobody cares about that.
Pecking Duck
Roasted Pig

Those items have skin that can be browned to give it a level of presentation that balut is unable to achieve.

Oysters don't look that appealing either but nobody here has said they look appealing.

Again, what is your argument here?

If it is balut looks JUST AS good/bad as roasted big or duck, then we can just dead the convo.
bro why are you so offended

no offense, im not eating a basically live baby duck/chicken or whatever inside of an egg

the only way I would ever be offended over a food item is If someone told me pizza was disgusting. other than that, y'all can eat and do whatever you want.
My intro to Balut, doesn’t look like something I want to try. Sardines are cool though. It’s the whole thought of swallowing feathers
Do you eat oysters?
Or chitlins?

Irrelevant. (Even though I already answered one of those in here indirectly)

Not once did I imply there is a direct correlation to taste and presentation.

There is no direct correlation.

Something can LOOK terrible and taste heavenly
so you never have eaten things that I have mentioned but still have an opinion on them.

That's funny.
bro why are you so offended

no offense, im not eating a basically live baby duck/chicken or whatever inside of an egg

the only way I would ever be offended over a food item is If someone told me pizza was disgusting. other than that, y'all can eat and do whatever you want.
the argument of it being the same as eating
a whole cooked chicken or pig is just wild.

The VISUAL is closer to this than to peking duck or roasted pig

balut :sick:

i remember this cute girl had a crush on my friend... i was like ayo man pursue that... he was like nah son im good she eats balut... im like you crazy :lol:
the argument of it being the same as eating
a whole cooked chicken or pig is just wild.

The VISUAL is closer to this than to peking duck or roasted pig

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