Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Theres a couple different types of swords though.
The matadors deliberately try to get a half-dozen or so small spears into the back of the neck to weaken the bull
When the bull gets tired and injured he can't raise his head as much,
this lowered head exposes him to the final blow which is supposed to be a single sword driven into the spine for a "painless" finish

Not advocating by any means, but I believe thats the method

A sword driven through the spine? Yeah sounds painless to me
Can't find a link to the video but if y'all hashtag BostonBlizzardChallenge on ig there's been people wylin.. Some doin it tho :pimp:
Theres a couple different types of swords though.
The matadors deliberately try to get a half-dozen or so small spears into the back of the neck to weaken the bull
When the bull gets tired and injured he can't raise his head as much,
this lowered head exposes him to the final blow which is supposed to be a single sword driven into the spine for a "painless" finish

Not advocating by any means, but I believe thats the method

A sword driven through the spine? Yeah sounds painless to me



It seems hard to believe that in this so-called civilised age, a most vicious and cruel spectacle of blood continues to flourish in Spain and certain other countries. Bullfighting is barbaric and should have been banned long ago, as bear-baiting was. It is difficult to understand how crowds of people will pay money and take pleasure in watching one lone creature - who has never done them any harm — getting hacked to death. How can anyone with an ounce of compassion, cheer and chant olé as a banderilla or lance is thrust into the animal’s pain-racked body?

Bullfighting has a very glorified public image — it is presented as a contest between the brave matador, who boldly risks life and limb to tackle a mad and ferocious beast. The matador is always dressed in a traditional costume of brilliant colours: the bullfight is seen by many as the mysterious ritual between man and beast, which is an integral part of Spanish culture and custom. For this reason, many tourists who visit Spain feel that seeing a bullfight is a necessary part of their holiday, just as tourists visiting Britain go to see the Tower of London.

However, after witnessing the sheer horror of this sickening slaughter, only the most hardened and callous would consider a second visit to the bullring. The purpose of this booklet is to fully explain what the bull has to endure, both during his last hour of life in the ring, and also the other side of the bullfight not commonly known to the vast majority of people: the pre-bullfight treatment.


The bull is not an aggressive animal, and the reason he is angry and attempts to charge at the matador whilst in the bullring is mainly because he has been horrendously abused for the previous two days. In fact, what spectators see is not a normal, healthy bull, but a weakened, half-blinded and mentally destroyed version, whose chances of harming his tormentors is virtually nil. The bull has wet newspapers stuffed into his ears; vaseline is rubbed into his eyes to blur his vision; cotton is stuffed up his nostrils to cut off his respiration and a needle is stuck into his genitals. Also, a strong caustic solution is rubbed onto his legs which throws him off balance. This also keeps him from lying down on the ground. In addition to this, drugs are administered to pep him up or slow him down, and strong laxatives are added to his feed to further incapacitate him. He is kept in a dark box for a couple of days before he faces the ring: the purpose of this is to disorientate him. When he is let out of the box, he runs desperately towards the light at the end of the tunnel. He thinks that at last his suffering is over and he is being set free — instead, he runs into the bullring to face his killers and a jeering mob.


Strictly speaking, a bullfight is composed of 3 separate “acts”, and the whole thing is supposed to last for 20 minutes, though in actual fact it varies. The opening of a bullfight begins with a tune being played on a trumpet — the tune is the special, signa lure Rifle which characterises the beginning of the horror. Upon entering the ring, bulls have been known to collapse through exhaustion alter their pre-fight ordeal — they have been dragged to their feet by the bullfighter’s assistants.

The Picadors

The sequence of events begins when the bull faces the picadors —these are the men on horseback, whose purpose it is to exhaust the bull. They cut into his neck muscles with a pica. This is a weapon of about 6-8 inches long, and 2 inches thick. Once it is thrust into the bull it is twisted round and a large, gaping wound appears. The bull then starts bleeding to death.

The Assistant Matadors

After the picador has finished his sordid business, the assistant matadors then get to work with the banderillas (sharp, harpoon-like barbed instruments). These are plunged into the bull’s body, and he may also be taunted by capes. Up to six banderillas may be used. When the banderillas strike the bull stops in his tracks and bellows madly.

The Kill

A trumpet signals the final “act” — in fact, during the whole nightmare, strange, slow tunes are played throughout. It is, of course, during the final act that the bull is killed (and hopefully goes onto a better life). The kill should last 6 minutes, and is done by the main matador. If he has any difficulties (which is an extremely rare occurrence), the others immediately rush in to his aid and finish off the bull.


The matador is supposed to sever the artery near the heart with one thrust of the sword — in fact, this never happens. It often takes 2-3 times before the creature is mercifully released by death. By this time, the bull’s lungs and heart will be punctured and he always vomits blood. Miraculously, he sometimes attempts to rise again, and gets up on his knees, only to receive further mutilation at the hands of his tormentors. He finally gives up, goes to his knees and lies down. Even then, he is not allowed a little dignity to leave this world in peace, his ears and tail are cut off (often when he is fully conscious), and his broken, bleeding body is dragged around the ring by mules, to which he is attached by an apparatus made of wood and chains. Not content with his suffering, which must be too horrible to describe by words, the crowds boo and jeer him. They even throw empty beer cans at him. His body is then taken away to be skinned, and even then he may not be dead when this happens.


The bull is not the only animal to suffer in the ring — hundreds of horses die long and agonising deaths as they are gored by the pain-crazed bull. Horses have their ears stuffed with wet newspaper, they are blindfolded and their vocal chords are cut so they are unable to scream in pain. It is not an uncommon occurrence for horses to stumble upon their own entrails after being badly gored. After a horse has been wounded it is led out of the ring, given crude surgery, and sent back in. Horses used in bullrings sweat and tremble from fear — they are forced to return to the ring time and time again. The picador’s horses are generally animals whose working life is over, and which are, therefore, old, infirm and docile. Their reward for serving mankind faithfully is to end their days in the bullrings. They are kept in poor conditions between fights, arid, not surprisingly, their life expectancy is short.


“But it’s part of their culture’ is the argument commonly used to defend bullfighting, but this argument is also used to defend female circumcision (genital mutilation). It could also have been used to defend witch-burning, bear-baiting and a multitude of other evils, “Culture” is not a magic word, and simply labeling something as such doesn’t make it right and above criticism. Also, the word “culture” suggests the enhancement and enrichment of people or a society, and watching animals being tortured to death doesn’t fall into this description.

“Get your own house in order” is another argument put forward, with reference to our own bloodsports such as hunting and harecoursing. Well, there is no reason why we can’t support the Spanish Animal Rights movement as well as fighting animal abuse in our own country. An animal doesn’t regard itself as being Spanish when it is being tortured to death — rather it is a member of the anima[ kingdom being tortured to death by humans. The Animal Rights movement is a worldwide one and should not be restricted by boundaries.

As has been mentioned previously, bullrings are largely sustained by tourists who visit out of curiosity and a misguided belief that if they fail to visit this unique part of Spanish culture, their visit to Spain will not be complete.

The vast majority of tourists are appalled by what happens at a bullfight and leave after they see what happens to the first bull (three separate bulls are killed at bullfights, but spectators are not allowed to leave until the first one has ended).

However, the purchase of their ticket keeps the bullrings open.

Spain is a popular holiday destination for British tourists, so for this reason a campaign in this country to educate people about what really happens at bullfights is a necessary and vital step towards closing down the bullrings.

Frank Evans from Manchester who runs a bedroom and kitchen showroom in Eccles called “Ladyline” is a bullfighter who regularly travels to Spain to torture bulls to death. This is another reason why bullfighting is an issue for the British Animal Rights movement.

The Anti-Bullfighting Committee, P.O. Box 175, Liverpool L69 8DX has started a campaign against Evans by demonstrating and leafletting outside his shop and his house. Anyone interested in joining this campaign should contact this address. Also, anyone wishing to express their views on Evans’ activities should write to him at:

19 Monks Hall Grove,
Eccles, Manchester

Also, please write to:

The Spanish Ambassador,
The Spanish Embassy,
24 Belgrave Square,
London SW1

There are now serious moves to have bullfighting banned as Spain is a fairly recent member of the European Economic Community, and has been under severe pressure from campaigning Animal Rights groups.

However the powerful lobby of bullbreeders are intent on evading this. In 1989 33,000 bulls died the death previously described, and this means profit for the bullbreeders.

A boycott of Spanish produce i.e. wine, sherry, fruit and vegetables would help persuade the Spanish Government to outlaw bullfighting.

Also, a boycott of Spanish holidays would be an excellent form of economic pressure as Spain relies heavily on the tourist industry.

The Spanish Green Party has announced its intention to ban bullfighting, if it were elected to Parliament.

In recent years, there has been a sustained press interest in the atrocities involved in bullfighting and fiestas involving animal abuse. This media focus has been not only in Britain but has caused worldwide concern. This has deeply embarrassed the Spanish Government who are under extreme pressure to change their laws. Also, it has made people in general more aware of the cruelties involved in bullfighting and the fiestas, and therefore less likely to visit bullrings.

It is only a matter of time before this abomination has ended, and bulls are allowed to live their lives in peace.
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Government bans bull fighting...

...has steak to celebrate.

That's horrific
. Now that's why I never have any sympathy for the people that end up getting hurt by the Bulls as a result of trying to antagonize them for entertainment/"fun",like what else do you expect to happen being around a raging bull?
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that was terrible. some customs DO need to die. in all cultures.

This. These ***holes should find something more productive to do with their time besides torturing animals. People holding on to backwards and immoral customs for the sake of "culture" and "tradition". it's sickening :smh:
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Pretty sure the cows at those slaughterhouses we get our meat from are tortured even worse than those Bulls
Pretty sure the cows at those slaughterhouses we get our meat from are tortured even worse than those Bulls

U got evidence to back this? I know that it was occurring at one point not sure if it still is(probably, to what extent idk) but here in the us they've made efforts to stop this kind of treatment. Beyond that we're not deliberately torturing them for our amusement before delivering a slow and agonizing death.
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MADRID (AP) — A 20-year-old American man who was badly gored during a bull-running festival is out of intensive care and improving, a spokesman for the Clinic Hospital in western Salamanca said Monday.

The hospital spokesman identified the man as Benjamin Miller and said he was out of danger and not likely to have to undergo any further operations. He spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with hospital rules.

However, Tom Eppes, a spokesman for the University of Mississippi, confirmed Monday that Benjamin Milley, originally from Marietta, Georgia, and a sophomore at the school, is the injured man.

Family members could not be immediately reached on Monday.

The man suffered several wounds, including a 40-cm (16-inch) goring in the thigh, when he was caught by a fighting bull during a festival in the nearby town of Ciudad Rodrigo on Saturday.

Images showed the 20-year-old being repeatedly tossed by the bull and in obvious pain at being gored and pushed along the ground. Helpers eventually managed to pull him up from the street to safety.

Fiestas featuring bulls are common in Spain and many people are injured each year. Spain's most famous bull-running event is in the San Fermin festival in Pamplona.

In the runs, hundreds of people test their bravery and speed by dashing ahead of bulls through the streets to a town's bull ring.

Towns normally have special medical units ready to attend those injured in the festivals.

Ciudad Rodrigo town councilor Pedro Munoz said two other unidentified men — a man from Scotland and a Spaniard — had sustained less serious goring injuries during Saturday's events.


Associated Press reporter Kathleen Foody in Atlanta contributed to this report
mods wilin for deleting the have you ever put your hands on your girl thread for no reason.... then the very next day this ray j is happens. dude caught allllllllll of the jabs and hooks. ALLLLLLLLL of em. we had  a thread but thats gone now lol
mods wilin for deleting the have you ever put your hands on your girl thread for no reason.... then the very next day this ray j is happens. dude caught allllllllll of the jabs and hooks. ALLLLLLLLL of em. we had a thread but thats gone now lol
wait waaaa? :nerd:
mods wilin for deleting the have you ever put your hands on your girl thread for no reason.... then the very next day this ray j is happens. dude caught allllllllll of the jabs and hooks. ALLLLLLLLL of em. we had a thread but thats gone now lol

YOU wildin for half *** lookin...

Its not deleted or blocked.
i used to love the show when animals attack, always happy when they attack the people holding them in captivity

I cant stand people that going hunting for leisure, only time that should be acceptable in my mind is when its life or death/ for food.
wait waaaa?
yeen hurd? ray j got put into a german suplex off the top rope. then a scorpion into a DDT. then she finished him off with the people's elbow.

all jokes aside, his girl beat his A**. hes got multiple cracked ribs, busted mouth, and a torn acl somehow. she beat the brakes off him. they took her to jail.....and he bailed her out.
wait waaaa? :nerd:
yeen hurd? ray j got put into a german suplex off the top rope. then a scorpion into a DDT. then she finished him off with the people's elbow.

all jokes aside, his girl beat his A**. hes got multiple cracked ribs, busted mouth, and a torn acl somehow. she beat the brakes off him. they took her to jail.....and he bailed her out.

just saw it after searching.... no indoor or outdoor basketball nor swimming for him for a while
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