Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I buy shirts from Ross. Had a Triple Five Soul shirt on last week and still got my socks blown off with my shoes on. I stopped caring about labels a while back.
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I buy shirts from Ross. Had a Triple Fly Soul shirt on last week and still got my socks blown off with my shoes on. I stopped caring about labels a while back.

I wont heavy with the Lo but i agree with u. Clothes dont make the man. Dont matter what u wear, its how u carry urself. U could be designer head to toe but still be a clown
and stand in line for hours to buy something

wasting time and money smh
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The raffles actually kill me. Stand in line for a chance to buy something :lol:. Foh if i wanna buy something im gonna walk into the store or go online and purchase said item
The raffles actually kill me. Stand in line for a chance to buy something :lol:. Foh if i wanna buy something im gonna walk into the store or go online and purchase said item

Let em raffle of that stadium collection next fall, you gonna have ur *** in line lol
Made a thread about almost getting robbed back in the day, maybe for that devil chain, its been forever so I dont remember every detail but the would be assailant dropped the weapon and it looked like it had been used to rob stage coaches
I thought he just walked up and a driver wouldnt stop, didn't notice he got out of the car.
I love how he put his foot on the car like he is going to stop it.  I won't lie I would of took the turn tighter and missed her.  I don't have time to wait for her old *** to walk the crosswalk.
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