Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Bruh i downloaded what i thought was the south park movie.... Was a got damn porno. Im sitting there at the computer tryna watch this movie and my dukes in the same room... :smh:

I've come too far to lose it all :stoneface:
Those switcheroos was the first time I seen chicks can squirt. I was no longer a kid after...
Those switchers was the first time I saw Inter species sex. :x
I was longer a kid after that...
I had a Mac, so I was going IN on Limewire. :lol: :smh: I had folders of stuff man. I would name drop scenes, but I'd be wilding and get this thread locked. I rarely watch pr0n now, but back then, I was a damn connoisseur.
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The entitlement is off the meter let alone being a liar feeling this much entitlement . :smh:
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LOL at the amount of irony in that one fb post. Wonder how she is on section 8 with a great post like that??? SMH. Well the guy should have dipped once he found out how much her rent really was.
Young folks would never the struggle. The dail up sound. No one could call ma dukes for hours at a time while I was on the internet. Viruses everywhere from the download sites & terrified that the RIAA would get you for sharing illegal songs lol
We had 2 phone lines so you cold use the phone and internet at the same time but damn that dial up sound was loud 

Wasnt supposed to be on without asking so I'd close the door and pray she wasnt listening too hard 
FR FR ish' was treacherous 99' - 2006 on the interweb. The struggle of having to download a whole adult movie on a p2p without the preview feature... 
I remember I downloaded a file in 9th grade titled "Latino Camp Fire" (I barely passed Spanish 1 with a D & didnt realize it was the masculine.) I was downloading the file and as you know was prepping my dang dang for the video with some Jergens Cherry Almond lotion. As soon as it finished downloading for 25 minutes, I started watching it.... The movie started with a  drone like camera zooming down to a "Are You Afraid of the Dark" type campfire. With a long hair spanish dude getting rammed on some brokeback mountain type ish'  
From that day on I knew what the difference was from Latino & Latina.... ​
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FR FR ish' was treacherous 99' - 2006 on the interweb. The struggle of having to download a whole adult movie on a p2p without the preview feature... 
I remember I downloaded a file in 9th grade titled "Latino Camp Fire" (I barely passed Spanish 1 with a D & didnt realize it was the masculine.) I was downloading the file and as you know was prepping my dang dang for the video with some Jergens Cherry Almond lotion. As soon as it finished downloading for 25 minutes, I started watching it.... The movie started with a  drone like camera zooming down to a "Are You Afraid of the Dark" type campfire. With a long hair spanish dude getting rammed on some brokeback mountain type ish'  
From that day on I knew what the difference was from Latino & Latina.... ​
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