Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

The things folks will do for attention :smh:


Well at least he got a ring for his trouble...
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31 living at home knocks up his 15 year old sister

That's a whole 'nother level of wilding :x :x :x
I'm going to be that guy and say it possibly might be a step sister ...

And so it would just be a pedophile issue

So as nt has said before "no blood , no foul"
DAMN that is one hell of pause between son and daughter, moms waited 16 years to have another kid.  Trying to do the math in my head.  Reminds me of the two train question back in the day, if one train leaves New York at...

What math??? It's basic subtraction.
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