Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Fair enough, a drunk slap means she should get KO’d like Wilder? There was no power behind her little punch and she got laid out.

Pretty sure you guys are on the same side fam lol

If it was a random dude in the stands I'm with it. Don't lay hands if you're not prepared to take what you're giving x10.

Cops/security ain't out there to mete out eye for an eye "justice". When he took that position he should've understood that. Say it was a 14 year old boy kicking and screaming and he happened to hit the cop? You saying the cop would be justified in KO-ing the kid? Cops on duty aren't regular citizens so they have to adhere to different standards.
And yall keep bringing up the fact shes drunk, like she supposed to get a pass cuz shes drunk.

Only thing she should get a pass from is getting KO-ed by someone in uniform. Cuff her, hit her with some charges or something but she shouldn't have been knocked out cold. I don't think anyone is saying she's completely innocent. Just that the consequence was out of proportion.
Pretty sure you guys are on the same side fam lol

If it was a random dude in the stands I'm with it. Don't lay hands if you're not prepared to take what you're giving x10.

Cops/security ain't out there to mete out eye for an eye "justice". When he took that position he should've understood that. Say it was a 14 year old boy kicking and screaming and he happened to hit the cop? You saying the cop would be justified in KO-ing the kid? Cops on duty aren't regular citizens so they have to adhere to different standards.

I’m for police reform. Definitely don’t agree with laying her out. Regardless of age, sex or race, these cats need to use better judgment especially when you have back up. and at the same time people don’t need to be trying police.
Only thing she should get a pass from is getting KO-ed by someone in uniform. Cuff her, hit her with some charges or something but she shouldn't have been knocked out cold. I don't think anyone is saying she's completely innocent. Just that the consequence was out of proportion.

I dont agree with her gettin KO'ed but you cant expect to do **** like that and have nothing happen to you.

At the end of the day i honestly dont give a ****. F that dumb *****
Not to extend the conversation but why is there an assumption that nothing would happen to her, she would get an additional charge on top of what she was already getting.
I dont agree with her gettin KO'ed but you cant expect to do **** like that and have nothing happen to you.

At the end of the day i honestly dont give a ****. F that dumb *****

That's what we're saying man. So many options between doing nothing and laying her out, he didn't have to do her like that.

But you're right, this has gone on long enough. Both sides wildin'.
you cant expect to do **** like that and have nothing happen to you.

My first post, i never mentioned her being drunk or anything like that. All i was pointing out was that no matter how "good" of a cop you are, there will always be moments like this where a cop will think with his feelings than brain.

As a cop, feelings are irrelevant bro. Its all about the safety of others first. "To protect and serve" cant do that with feelings.

Now, yes she was wrong for attempting to hit the cop, but rather than smacking her back he KNOWS she will get the charge, THATS ALL IM SAYING
All I know is, that if she was to have hit a number of you guys, your reaction would of have been the same.

Cops get held to a higher standard though .
Say it was a 14 year old boy kicking and screaming and he happened to hit the cop? You saying the cop would be justified in KO-ing the kid? Cops on duty aren't regular citizens so they have to adhere to different standards.

I don’t see anyone saying it’s justified. I’m definitely not making that argument. My point is what did she expect to happen, drunk or not? I’m not going to answer the what if questions because there are so many videos of teens getting beaten and slammed by cops this discussion will ruin this thread that is dedicated to laughing at idiots. Feel free to Youtube search though and notice how cops typically treat people that they feel are threatening. And by threatening I mean anyone that stands up or resists them of all size ranges.
RIP to the kid but damn folks are wild nowadays,posting any and everything on social media

Seen everything from miscarriages to dead kids on IG :sick:
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