Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

You know i always think people that do things like that are weirdos, but it seems so common these days im beginning to think im the weirdo for not taking out my phone and taking pics/videos all the time

It almost seems like people brains nowadays is wired to bust out their phones anytime a minor out of the ordinary incident occurs.

The cry for attention and validation is really sickening. It almost feels like a disease amongst social media users.

I got homies my age (30) who stay doing dumb **** on snap. They tried to include me in that **** and i had to check a few of em.
As soon as I heard about that shooting, I had 3 narratives in mind.

1. Terrorist Muslim (more bans needed)
2. Thug (digging thru all his past history)
3. Troubled soul (role model, never saw it coming, we need more information, system failed him)

The reality is, if minorities start doing the same **** whites do, they would be saying ...

Another domestic terrorist. White on white crime has to stop. Those white people are savages, look at all the senseless crimes. Where are his parents. What do we expect, he's a product of his environment. They had it coming ....

But hey ..
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Exactly. As an educator, they stress to never take it personal.

Imagine if I squared up with every kid who disrespected or touched me? I'd be under the ****ing jail.

This is a broader problem with society though. Kids ain't respecting educators like yourself and authority.
:sick: how you have sex with that

So when I was younger and saw people that big the first thing I would wonder is how do they get all of that on a toilet, like does the excess skin or whatever it is just droop over the side of the toilet, and this dude went and knocked her up.
As soon as I heard about that shooting, I had 3 narratives in mind.

1. Terrorist Muslim (more bans needed)
2. Thug (digging thru all his past history)
3. Troubled soul (role model, never saw it coming, we need more information, system failed him)

You forgot my new favorite narrative....

4. Conspiracy (Plot by the Left in an attempt to take our guns away.)

Years ago I would of have just kept it moving and said they are clueless.

Now I look at this and the first thing that comes to mind, "white America" telling the minorities their butt is way to big and not normal / perfect.

Not sure when I switched mindset, but sometimes I think I'm wildin but when you look at other things am I really?

Heros/Good guys wore white villains/bad guys wore black.

Purity is often associated with white and Filth with Black.
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Super hero's where white villains where black.
Purity is often associated with white and Filth with Black.
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If you can't comprehend what I said ... is cool.

Just like the racist person that can pull that one black friend card ...

But is cool ....

I'll leave you with this ....

Now if that was a minority, like I mentioned before the narrative would of have been different. Same for a Muslim ....
Calm down :lol:
More satire cuz of how bad it was and pretty much the only black super hero movie we've had until black panther comes out. Over 20 years apart I believe

As for the vid, im white(I have 2 black brothers) and hate seein dumb **** like that myself... It's very dumb and embarrassing; makes me cringe
I honestly stay away from white people myself unless I need to be nice at work
A Hollywood restaurant transformed into McDowell's for Halloween.

Not trying to be insensitive here but what is the problem? Serious question. I could see if they put Caitlyn's picture on the men's room door to signify he is still a male despite what he feels inside, but they didn't do that. Maybe it's in poor taste, but aren't they acknowledging who he identifies as?

Pippen gotta be the lame of the decade. His wife cheated on him with Future...all out in public with it. Only for him to apologize to her and buy her a 4 million dollar ring? Guess it really is cheaper to keep her. Crazy.

She must have something on him. If was a true simp he wouldn't have tried to get a divorce in the first place. He would have still supported her and tried to work **** out. When he pulled that divorce card she brought out her trump card on his ***. This is the first I'm even hearing of him apologizing or buying her $5mil ring, but that must mean she got homie by the balls.

Or he probably made a call to work earlier "*cough cough, feeling sick, don't think I can make it in today"

Seems like it was a game or sporting event so it might not be work. maybe he lied to his wife or girlfriend about his whereabouts for that night, lol.

You know i always think people that do things like that are weirdos, but it seems so common these days im beginning to think im the weirdo for not taking out my phone and taking pics/videos all the time

Same here bro. I don't understand this obsession at all, but since it is the norm now I feel like Im out of place. Taking selfies when you get up, before you leave the house, while in the car, at lunch, for dinner, smh. Sharing your every movement is crazy to me. Tyrese crazy *** all over the place acting a damn fool for the world to see. Handle that **** in private amongst your true friends and family not followers.

This is the stupidity we are dealing with on a daily basis with these people. Its so sad because the minute I heard about Texas, I knew the person was white and that he would not be given that terrorist label at all. Even Trump's tweet about was tame compared to what he said about the NYC "terrorist" not two days prior.
Even Trump's tweet about was tame compared to what he said about the NYC "terrorist" not two days prior.
But yet, there are blind people that don't believe in racism in Murcia.

Yet, they try to tell the angry black man to get over it.

Yet, these black athelets are sons of *****es because they are protesting for social equality.

Let's pretend that we are all equal as long as you obey the whites ...

Not until, theres equal representation in government and equal representation in wealth, the minorities world wide will continue to be oppressed.
Not trying to be insensitive here but what is the problem? Serious question. I could see if they put Caitlyn's picture on the men's room door to signify he is still a male despite what he feels inside, but they didn't do that. Maybe it's in poor taste, but aren't they acknowledging who he identifies as?
Yeah this is how i felt too, legit tryna see what the deal is. Never going to tell someone how to feel about something, but just want to understand what the issue is here.
Calm down :lol:
More satire cuz of how bad it was and pretty much the only black super hero movie we've had until black panther comes out. Over 20 years apart I believe

As for the vid, im white(I have 2 black brothers) and hate seein dumb **** like that myself... It's very dumb and embarrassing; makes me cringe
I honestly stay away from white people myself unless I need to be nice at work

How you gonna dismiss Meteor Man, bro?
Calm down :lol:
More satire cuz of how bad it was and pretty much the only black super hero movie we've had until black panther comes out. Over 20 years apart I believe

As for the vid, im white(I have 2 black brothers) and hate seein dumb **** like that myself... It's very dumb and embarrassing; makes me cringe
I honestly stay away from white people myself unless I need to be nice at work

Lmao. He was so mad with that response.
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