Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


I don't see how he's wilding? He's definitely doing it lol. Fake probably though.
I've seen street performers doing stuff life that in New Orleans :lol: I'm sure it gets awkward when stuff like that happens.
I just don't get how so many people had to see the original and every one of them was oblivious enough to not think it was going to be a problem. Mom included. It's mind boggling. I'm more offended by the stupidity then the actual picture
ahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah i just busted out laughing watching that video

I can't get with this at all, he's a big *** kid, :smh:. Everyone running to record **** and blowing up spots all the time is getting played.

This ***** is tall enough to get that leg up higher, he did that on purpose :rofl:

WTF was this dumb as$ ***** trying to do? Who the hell bowls like that? She is on some ********.

The last like 20 subs I got from Subway were not hitting. The quality has been off for a minute. The bread was cold and tough, the meat portions were a joke, the lettuce was mostly dirty white and yellow pieces, and the sandwiches were devoid of flavor.

My G, it took you 20 tries to realise the **** was trash? :rofl:
One or two I get, but 20 bro really?

I'm mixed on this one. On hand she is an ******* for doing what she did. On the other hand she did get her refund. She definitely wilding for that, but I wouldn't call her a fool. If she didn't get that refund then yeah I can see that.

Trina be saying the illest **** setting these chicks up for failure. I remember some interview she was saying first date gotta have a helicopter ride to some island or something knowing damn well she gets bust down for none of that.

Aint she single? How she telling anybody anything about men? lol

Dude must seriously have the gift of gab to talk them into a damn orgy.

I think they are giving him a little too much credit. He probably got them to have an orgy with themselves and he just happened to be there, lol.

People posting all those words on the kids jacket....but everyone seems to let the parents ride....they....nvm.

Mom dukes doesn't see a problem with it even now, so this whole topic is a waste of time. But who didn't know that from the jump? His parent/guardian had to approve it and had to be there so obviously they didn't care. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to get hot and bothered over **** when those involved aren't doing anything about it.


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