Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Actually they're just as bad if not worse. :lol:


Yeah, looking back on my time there now, you're probably right

Yeah, looking back on my time there now, you're probably right

They're this type (instead of blatant with it):
In the colorblind-ish, post-racial, white tears era, I know the strain intimately. They’re the apologists and the #alllivesmatter hashtag busters before the storm. The sort that Kanye and Draked their way into the culture while getting eight syllabled brews from Starbucks. They’re the completely non-racist of all racists. They’ll often murmur their non-racial tendencies to themselves at night after their all-white crew joked about the use of the N-word: how it’s completely cool because it’s supposedly so ironic; **** that My *****, YG censorship, they’ll say. And of course, they have a black friend, me—the ultimate key to the racially sensitive mint that excuses it all.

This is the hipster racist Clemmons speaks of, and I’ll speak for the majority of black folks in saying that we dislike you almost more than the hick that brandishes “*****” like a sword. But hey, if you’re not sure you fit the mold, here’s how to know if you’re a hipster racist.

I thought this was a real video, :smh:. That is a such a shame too. I was like why these "chicks" look like dudes? Took me a quick second, :rofl::rofl:

Anybody have the transcript of this convo? And do yall know he bagged, they could just be talking.

What is up the extremes on these two. She a got damn giant, and he's a damn Gnome :rofl:

I'm sorry but what respectable barber would do some **** like that? I hope it's a photoshop, :smh:

I hate it when older white women pull these kinds of stunts. She was a big and bad yelling in the little sister's face. Flashing her hands in the older sister's face like she's big and bad and when she gets checked on her ******** she screams, runs, and cries for help. Typical with these broads to pop off and then call 911.

Does Sammy realize his bleaching cream doesn't get into his DNA? So any offspring he has will still have his Afro genes.

You KNOW she was dropping n bombs when she got in her car.

But that child crazy..where her parents at?

She dropped an N bomb in the video at 25 seconds. She said "I'm pressing charges against you, you f'ing Ninja".

She isn't crazy she was defending her little sister. She had to put that white **** in her place for stepping to sister and her like she was going to do something. Fat *** bully.

Was that someone’s momma? Talking about she’s an officer? You get slapped in the face and the only thing you is fold up and scream for help??? :lol: Ain’t no way ol girl in the fro was even hitting her that hard. :lol:

She probably works dispatch or something. No way she is a legit officer, :rofl:

Sounds like one of those Issa Rae public school faculty bathroom freestyles

That is so accurate, lol.
That freestyle was so bad I feel sorry for that guy.

Don't! He knows what he is doing and I'm sure it'll pay off for him. Sadly, :smh:.
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