Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Man Casually Eats Raw Steak Dripping With Blood Outside Vegan Festival

This is the moment a provocative carnivore made his point by casually eating a raw steak outside a Vegan Food Festival in Amsterdam - like you do when you don't agree with the way someone wants to live their life... oh wait.

The pony-tailed man, wearing a black vest bearing the slogan: "Go vegan and die," was questioned by cops after disgusted vegans complained about his protest.

They said that there was blood 'literally dripping off the piece of meat' as vegans queued up to enter the Vegan Food Festival in the Dutch capital city of Amsterdam.

Footage filmed by an eyewitness shows the guy continuing to casually chew his way through the raw steak as shocked vegans complain to a police officer.

Credit: CEN

There are some people that will do literally anything to piss people off and he's definitely one of those.

At one point, a woman can be heard crying in shock: "He is just eating it," talk about stating the obvious.

A Vegan Food Festival spokesman said: "While it is of course not forbidden to eat raw meat, it was of course a shocking sight because there was a puddle of blood and fat.

"Besides, there were lots of elderly people and children. At that time a special children's programme was going on."

Credit: CEN

The spokesman explained that festival goers had been shocked by the man's actions as 'we are not extreme vegans'.

But he is definitely extreme at causing irritation. Surely there are other ways to make a point? And saying that, what point is he exactly trying to make?

The anti-vegan activist was joined in his unusual protest in front of the entrance gates by an assistant and a cameraman.

The man, who did not reveal his name or what he hoped to achieve, left the site after about an hour.

The spokesman added: "At first he did not want to leave because it is not forbidden to stand just outside the festival terrain.

"It was a weird protest by the gentleman. This festival is about having fun and sharing new experiences."

New York's Annual Veggie Pride Parade. Credit: PA

Police confirmed that officers had been called to the festival grounds but said no arrests had been made.

Just a week ago an angry butcher was waving chunks of meat at vegan protesters in Leeds.

The video shows him approaching the protester having grabbed some meat from his counter - which appears to be a rack of ribs and a long T-Bone steak. He then forces the meat towards the protesters' faces.
if you live in america then this statement is false.
you can turn a blind eye but he's ****ing **** up whether you want to see it or not

I mean, most presidents have. Nothing new. Complaining bout it ain’t gonna change anything.

PAYSON, Utah - A Utah man flew a small plane into his own house early Monday just hours after he had been arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife in a nearby canyon where the couple went to talk over their problems, authorities said.

The pilot, Duane Youd, died. His wife and a child, who were in the home, got out and survived even though the front part of the two-story house became engulfed in flames, Payson police Sgt. NoemiSandoval said.

The crash occurred about 2:30 a.m. Monday in Payson, a city of about 20,000 residents 60 miles south of Salt Lake City.

Investigators believe the plane belonged to Youd's employer and that he intentionally flew into his own house, Sandoval said. He was an experienced pilot, she said. It wasn't immediately clear who employed Youd.

It's unknown if the child in the house is related to Youd, Sandoval said.

Youd was arrested about 7:30 p.m. Sunday after witnesses called police to report that Youd was assaulting his wife, Utah County Sheriff's Sgt. Spencer Cannon said. The couple had been drinking and went to American Fork Canyon to talk about problems they were having.

Youd was booked into jail on suspicion of domestic violence and then bailed out, Cannon said. Youd requested an officer escort to go to his home so he could get his truck and some belongings around midnight. That occurred without incident, Sandoval said.

Within hours, Youd was taking off in the plane from the Spanish Fork-Springville Airport about 15 miles north of his house. He flew directly to his neighborhood and smashed into his house, Sandoval said.

Photos of the wreckage showed the white plane charred and in pieces in the front yard nearby an overturned and crushed car. Most of the upscale house was still intact, but heavily burned in the front.

Police had responded one previous time to the house on a domestic violence incident,Sandoval said. Online court records show that Youd agreed on July 23 to attend marriage and family counselling sessions for six months as part of a plea agreement following an April 8 domestic violence incident in which he was charged with disorderly conduct.
The thing that gets me about Trump is, that clearly he is setting bad examples.

Some of the stuff that's coming to light is no different from other presidents, but the fact that along with that comes everything else is my problem.

Degrades Woman, Immigrant, Countries, Minorities, Handicaps, etc.

Call Racist fine gentlemen and professional players and role models fighting for equality thugs.

And the list goes on.

But in regards to laws and ****, no different from other presidents. He is just vocal about it while others did stuff on the low low.
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