Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

The outrageous part for me, this has nothing to do with Kap kneeling, this has to do with Racist white people mad that he's still getting money. How come all this people can bond together to stop this 1 man, that's peacefully protesting, but aren't bonding together for other stuff that actually matter. They are the 1st to talk about disrespecting the veterans but are the 1st one to roll their windows up when they see a homeless vet begging. SMH

Dude it makes no sense to try and rationalize **** that is irrational. It's part of a bigger issue which is white americans not wanting to admit there is a real problem in the way black and brown people are treated by the police. So they are distracting from the real issue and creating something that has nothing to do with anything. When you look at the real ways in which the flag is disrespecting none of these "patriots" are changing their ways. FLag states you should never wear the flag as apparel or a costume, should not be used as a marketing tool, printing it on paper goods/plates or cups, and it shouldn't be carried flat or horizontally as you see in many football games. How ironic, :smh:. Meanwhile the leader in this idiotic crusade doesn't know the words to the national anthem, or the color pattern of the flag. Blind leading the blind.

To touch on your point about the vets, you are absolutely right. There is no reason for a 1st world county like America to have the problems they have with military vets. These people should be treated like royalty when they return home. Instead what do they get? Not a mother****ing thing

Not sure if this was posted.

Our world right now is very sad. Feel bad for the kid.

If what the police are saying is true, then I'm not that upset because it was handled professionally I feel. If they are only going off what they've been told then I can understand the precautions taken. I do hate that it had to be that way, because that poor kid is going to battle with the feelings and treatment of that day for the rest of his life. You could see how despondent he was while in the police cruiser. The whole time i was watching it, I was trying to find something to ***** about, but I kept finding reasons it seemed necessary. Without any ID how would they know if they were actually related? How do the police know she wasn't threatened before hand and told to make up that story or they'd do something to her or her family? Again it really sucks, but this is the world we live in. Innocent people have to prove their innocence because of the perception of other people.

Lil Kay better be careful, Young Rob is out to kill him now :rofl:

This really irked me. If a couple of cops are told that a couple of white ladies are being robbed by a black man, especially in a vehicle, I highly doubt they would do a stop without an excessive amount of cops.

Their explanation is bull**** and I wouldn't doubt it was them that came to that conclusion.

Listen, I think highly of the man and woman that risk it all to make sure we are safe, but on the same breath I'm appalled that despicable people like this have wiggled themselves into the ranks.

Now if that was the case, I apologize for my words, but it doesnt negate the fact that there are police just like that.

On another note.

I can't believe I didn't even think of the possibility of it being bs. You're right, they've had more cops for far less offenses so who knows. Maybe they saw it and thought the worst automatically. You wouldn't be the first time. I just really feel bad for that young man. It's demoralizing to be treated that way, and there is nothing anyone can say that will change that feeling.

Oh. and I wish my company would try to enforce some nonsense about Nike clothing not being permitted on the premises. ***** with that bull$hit.
i would of lost it had the pants dropped to his ankles and he fell lolol

what an idiot
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What kind of store is that? Can't if it's a cell phone store or a jewelry store. There is a glass display so I'm wondering what he was hoping to get.

If this was a movie, he would have gotten hit by a car running into the parking lot like that, lol.

on reddit they said it was a Vape Shop
He should’ve did it in reverse so it would’ve looked like he got out the pool dry.
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