Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out










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First and foremost I would like to thank DADDYFATSACKS DADDYFATSACKS and others for asking me to breakdown this fight. The fighter in White won the positioning battle but he was clearly not a fighter that is comfortable working on the inside. His footwork was perfect if he used an uppercut but his positioning was poor for the right jab to the body. The fighter in the multicolored shirt did Amazing work. You could tell he and his trainer prepared for the fighter in White's gameplan to go to the body in the early rounds and he was prepared. The pawing right cross he utilized was picture perfect. Had he had a little more room to extend he could've dropped the fighter in white. Very disappointed in the fighter in White's reaction to getting hit. His trainer will have words for him about showing weakness in the fight. Props to Showtime for the excellent camera work.
Beer Deliveryman Prevents Suicide on a Bridge By Offering a Cold One—While Channeling Denzel Washington

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The voices of God and Denzel Washington helped to prevent a man from jumping to his death—and the cold beer didn’t hurt, either.

Earlier this month, two beer deliverymen felt an unexplainable urge to take a completely different route to one of their stops. The unusual route took Jason Gabel and Kwame Anderson across a bridge where they noticed a man on the other side of the safety fence.

They stopped the truck and when Kwame asked the guy if he was alright, he admitted that he was planning to take his own life.

After Gabel called 911, the dispatcher said to do nothing—and wait until police arrived. But Kwame took matters into his own hands.

He told KMSP News how he then channeled his inner Denzel Washington. He remembered the hostage negotiator in the film Inside Man, and thought, “I gotta keep this guy entertained somehow, because if I wait for police, this thing may be over…”

Kwame then spent the next hour talking to the suicidal man and asking about his life, while officers on the scene watched. He learned the man lived around the corner from the bridge, he was from Chicago, and he had children.

He eventually asked the guy if he wanted to get food with him. He replied that he wasn’t hungry. He asked if he needed money—the man said no.

Then, Anderson asked if he would like to drink a beer with him and the man paused. “Maybe.”

Anderson ran and grabbed a 12-pack of Coors from the back of the delivery truck and cracked one open, promising that if the guy came back over the fence, the beers were all his.

The man agreed and slowly walked back from the ledge. He was later brought in an ambulance to the hospital for treatment.

Kwame and his partner say it was God that prompted them to take a different route that morning, but there’s nothing quite like sharing a cold beer with Denzel that will ultimately win the day.


The outrageous part for me, this has nothing to do with Kap kneeling, this has to do with Racist white people mad that he's still getting money. How come all this people can bond together to stop this 1 man, that's peacefully protesting, but aren't bonding together for other stuff that actually matter. They are the 1st to talk about disrespecting the veterans but are the 1st one to roll their windows up when they see a homeless vet begging. SMH
This really irked me. If a couple of cops are told that a couple of white ladies are being robbed by a black man, especially in a vehicle, I highly doubt they would do a stop without an excessive amount of cops.

Their explanation is ******** and I wouldn't doubt it was them that came to that conclusion.

Listen, I think highly of the man and woman that risk it all to make sure we are safe, but on the same breath I'm appalled that despicable people like this have wiggled themselves into the ranks.

Now if that was the case, I apologize for my words, but it doesnt negate the fact that there are police just like that.

On another note.
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