Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

You cant hand **** in bootcamp, but I have seen a bunch of confederate flags handing up in pickups and **** from military members. They call it Southern pride vices racist pride though.

Right?! To me Southern Pride to defend the rebel flag really just means White Power. Might as well be a damn swastica


Just snapped this pic. Is it just me or is this wylin? Our Army literally fought and defeated Johnny Reb and everything he stood for. Are you allowed to fly the Rebel flag while in the military or do they frown upon that while on duty? Someone aware me.

Also, the whole “oh it’s just honoring heritage and family who fought in the war” excuse is some BS out on the westcoast. The Deep South kinda makes sense, but not Oregon. FOH. You wouldn’t rock blood colors while in a crip hood and be like “oh I’m just honoring a homie who got killed fighting one of your homies.” And not expect to catch the fade.
It happens. There’s MAGA and Confederate stickers all over vehicles here at Hood. Ft. Hood and Ft. Lee are both named after Confederate Generals. Go figure. I had a Soldier at Campbell who was one of these zombie apocalypse fanatics, who drove Toyota Corolla that had Jurassic Park equipment all over it. Fog lights, oversized roof rack, the whole 9. On the back of that vehicle was anti-Obama everything. While he was in office. Chain of command did absolutely jack s**t about it. To emphasize my point here at Hood. This happened to an NCOs vehicle here. Combat arms is one of the most racist fields to be in as a minority. This guy was a Scout. So was I. This kinda **** happens a lot.
It happens. There’s MAGA and Confederate stickers all over vehicles here at Hood. Ft. Hood and Ft. Lee are both named after Confederate Generals. Go figure. I had a Soldier at Campbell who was one of these zombie apocalypse fanatics, who drove Toyota Corolla that had Jurassic Park equipment all over it. Fog lights, oversized roof rack, the whole 9. On the back of that vehicle was anti-Obama everything. While he was in office. Chain of command did absolutely jack s**t about it. To emphasize my point here at Hood. This happened to an NCOs vehicle here. Combat arms is one of the most racist fields to be in as a minority. This guy was a Scout. So was I. This kinda **** happens a lot.

Damn man, thanks for sharing that with me. It’s easy for us civilian folk to assume things should be a certain way, but it’s nice to see an actual service members perspective. ****s crazy
I mean, there was an actual parking space between the red and white cars, why couldn’t the uber driver park there instead of blocking the bike lane.
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