Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

misinformation being spread. the MAXIMUM for the girl was 20 years. they just positively identified and brought her in like a few days ago she wont be charged and sentenced for quite some time thanks to the justice system. also, they found out shes a minor at 16 so even the 2-20 years doesnt apply to her.
What’s the maximum for the black dude?
misinformation being spread. the MAXIMUM for the girl was 20 years. they just positively identified and brought her in like a few days ago she wont be charged and sentenced for quite some time thanks to the justice system. also, they found out shes a minor at 16 so even the 2-20 years doesnt apply to her.

tsa cracked the hell out of my girls laptop and denied it. literally broke a hinge off. they really just dont care. and leave it to florida to have the one thief out of 10 tries

I just watched the video in full. Buddy blamed his wife for the theft???? :rofl:
Ya’ll know she changed her name but...

Damn was hoping vids of the torpedos
Why? :smh:

What a damn scumbag, his wife stole it :lol:. The funniest part is him removing his TSA shirt, and the found chime going off on that ipad the whole time :rofl:

True. I'm not a big ice cream eater but I thought they had plastic seals around them?
Some brands do while others do not. Plastic probably bad waste or something
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