Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Son getting chased by a giant robotic bbc.
Yea I watched my mom work her whole life too so I’m not with the taking care of a woman either. BUT if she’s taking care of the family and household I’d have no issue with her not working.

Me and my girl split everything. Even when we go on trips. Funny thing is it was her idea.
When I met my wife, she used to pick up the tap often, used to buy me gifts that I had to tell her to return because I thought it was a of money, she used to take me to trips, at that point I realize she didn't give a **** about money. She never asked me for a penny! Naturally when we took it to the next level I took all the responsibilities 100%. Like I said people see things differently ...

Whether the females in my families have busted their *** or not ... that doesn't sway my decisions when it comes to my wife because shes a different woman and she's my woman.
Just when you thought **** couldn’t get worse after the Blue Bell ice cream incident. Warning given!!

unlike the blue bell ice cream, u can tell when the arizona has been opened or not. the 3rd (4th?) ice cream case was with this black dude they just caught. over 30 years old. and even tho he licked it then put it back, then bought it for himself hes still getting charged for tampering cuz he put it back and a few other things.

i feel like its good they need to throw the book at whoever does this stuff... but on the lowest of keys... im conflicted cuz the first one to get the book thrown at him with multiple charges was the black male. egh
Supermarkets about to go out of business and as far as I know getting 20 years is the book being thrown at you too, not sure if the girl or black guy was first
Can't remember him ever been down in his career

Never happened in a boxing ring

Zab judah made his glove touch the canvas, which is technically a knock down.

But the refs didnt catch it.

There was also one fight i cant remember againts eho where the ref gave him a standing 8 because he hurt his hand and turned around.
Real talk though, I grew up around that too and that’s why I’m not like him. My dad used to beat on my mom until I was a stopped when I tossed him clear across the living room. Vowed I wouldn’t turn into him.

Same thing with smoking and drinking, he did all that so I knew I wanted to be the opposite.
there's a difference between abusing a woman and defending yourself.

Just saying.
Looking at her IG, she know what she has going for her.

I just saw her Twitter earlier! Wood pipe

Tig ol' bitties and Freckles: one of my weakness

Oh man, ultimates. @dcallamerican

Woooooo them tiddays looking rightttttttt

She know it too

Ya’ll know she changed her name but...
Supermarkets about to go out of business and as far as I know getting 20 years is the book being thrown at you too, not sure if the girl or black guy was first

misinformation being spread. the MAXIMUM for the girl was 20 years. they just positively identified and brought her in like a few days ago she wont be charged and sentenced for quite some time thanks to the justice system. also, they found out shes a minor at 16 so even the 2-20 years doesnt apply to her.

tsa cracked the hell out of my girls laptop and denied it. literally broke a hinge off. they really just dont care. and leave it to florida to have the one thief out of 10 tries
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