Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


Walmart be trippin doing the bare minimum. They used to have the retirees as the greeters, now they have disabled people checking tickets. I think that dude is on the spectrum, the receipt lady around my way is also. Not long ago she was having a breakdown because a woman was trying to take a motorized cart out in the rain. She kind of did a similar thing stood in front of the cart, radioed for help, tried to shut down the automatic doors. One of the coworkers said that she knows the rule book from front to back and once you give her a task thats all shes focused on for the day. Everything is black and white right or wrong no gray area straight by the book in her mind. I didnt understand that if they knew this why put her in harms way in that type of position.
its cool to give retirees/disabled/spectrum people a chill job.

if youre a customer all you gotta do is flash the receipt…it takes less effort than filming the whole ordeal and trying to go viral or get something for free…

after covid it seems like alot of people have a real hard time following basic rules we set as a society…if you walk into an establishment, whether its a small one or a huge one like walmart…you should be able to follow the rules

Aint no way. :lol:

I been seeing this dudes YT shorts and hes a geoguesser or whatever you call it. Basically he can tell what part of the world the picture is from, just from pics of the grass, maybe the dirt road, the mountains, or whatever else is in the pic. He be wylin, he'll guess a pic in ".1 seconds, but the pic is only grass, inverted, black and white, and pixelated". And he'll get it. No ****ing way. :lol:

Comments be hilarious too.

Cop escalated the situation if you ask me. He could have easily explained to the lady(im assuming they are in a state in which you have to sign citations) that she can be arrested if she didnt sign. This man aint got nothin better to do than write an old lady a $80 ticket then quickly escalate the sistuation to an arrest. The least he could do is have some patience.
Cop escalated the situation if you ask me. He could have easily explained to the lady(im assuming they are in a state in which you have to sign citations) that she can be arrested if she didnt sign. This man aint got nothin better to do than write an old lady a $80 ticket then quickly escalate the sistuation to an arrest. The least he could do is have some patience.

She should have just signed it and kept it moving. She admitted to knowingly driving around for 6 months without fixing the problem. The level of entitlement on her part.
Cops have never deescalated anything in history of copdom, but she kicked a cop and just got tazed no sympathy from me,"she should have just complied."
Shortly after her arrest, attorney Ed Blau sent KFOR the following statement regarding the case:

“The actions of the Cashion Police Department on July 16 were egregious and unnecessary. The thought that a 65 year old woman, known to the community as the grandmother of two boys lost in the 2012 Piedmont Tornado, needed to be tased and arrested for not signing a ticket offends common notions of decency. The people of Cashion and the State of Oklahoma are no safer because of the actions of Officer Missinne. His unnecessary escalation and use of force served no purpose other than to torment and embarrass Ms. Hamil. We are exploring all legal actions which may be taken to vindicate Ms. Hamil’s civil rights.”

A year after her arrest, it seems the case has been resolved.

According to online court records, Hamil pleaded guilty to resisting an officer, obstruction, eluding, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment. All of those charges are misdemeanors.

As a result, the state agreed to dismiss the assault and battery charge.

Hamil received a four-year deferred sentence and will have to pay a $50 fine on each count.

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