Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

J. Prince, T.I., Boosie, and any other trapper/rapper/street entrepreneur are failures as parents. All these fools idolize The Godfather, Scarface, and all the other gangster movies, but they don't know the number one rule is to turn your family legit. Why are their kids still doing hood/street ish? These ninja's should be doctors, politicians, or some other ish with all their money, influence, and "power" they claim they have. Instead, you got a son with a dumbass Playboy Bunny tattoo on his neck.
Thats what us and THEM are trying to figure out.
They aren't trying to figure it out, they condoned that ish. They perpetuated and sold an image of street life for years to make millions, but now they kids following in their footsteps. Generational curses, Karma, reaping what you sow, etc. is what we're witnessing.
Are you human? How much **** did you do as a kid your parents didn't condone? Just because its happening, doesn't mean they condone it. We dont know what the **** them folks talk about in their house.
Yes I am human. I'm not the one on the internet recording interactions with my parents at 19, so it's not public record or a topic of conversation to be debated on this wonderful message board. You're right about it happening does not mean they condone it, but based on the charges T.I. and the other parents I mentioned has been caught up with in the last 19+ years, I don't know who King really had as a positive influence in his life. I would love to know what these folks talk about in their house. You're absolutely right and 3 minutes of him recording is not an accurate portrayal of what really goes on in their home.

If you have any thoughts on the situation, or similar cases, I would like to hear. If you were just trying to shut down my opinion because I'm "wrong," I would quote Mason Betha in the "I don't agree, but I understand."
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