Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Joe gave this man a platform to discuss all his theories, and from the snippets I saw, Joe seemed to be hyping him up. Then he brought him back with an expert and ended up almost like mocking him. It felt like a setup. Howard often sounded clueless.

Why did it take so long though? They let this man go from platform to platform spewing his nonsense to people who aren't qualified to refute his claims. Somebody should've shut his *** down a long time a go.

:stoneface: 0]
Kinda stupid. A lot of high ranking folks I've worked with have been late because their day is full.

Yeah but also those high ranking folks aren't doing an interview. They're getting recruited and offered the position without having to do most of what "normal" applicants do. But I agree with you generally. But that's the stuff that happens these days. So many folks looking for jobs that people come up with 100 different reasons to get rid of people's applications, that have almost nothing to do with the actual job.

dumb to say it out loud but not wrong. depending on what i’m hiring for i’d strongly bias toward people that show up early because at a lot of jobs the main part of the job is the be there and be on time aspect of it. if you’re not going to do for an interview i’d have no expectation you’d do it for the actual work. my wifey manages a retail spot and she couldn’t believe how many times people would do last minute call outs to not show up that day for work. Makes it such a struggle for everyone else and a hassle for her to find someone else to fill the shift. She made a simple expectation that all good if people call out but she’s going to give hours to people that don’t do that and that show up to work regularly. now her work life is great because eventually the people that call out all the time quit and she’s left work a store of employees that all want to be there + show up for their shifts.

There's nothing inherently wrong about this. It just comes across as a little uppity and doesn't need to be shared on social media. I've always assumed you should show up at least 15 minutes early for a job interview. Also, you don't know what your interviewer's calendar looks like that day. Starting five minutes early may give them an extra five minutes later, or allow your interview to go overtime by a few minutes.

The far worse version is the people who show up at 8 am, and sit there for five hours, and when the interviews finally start, the interviewer says "good, you're the ones who stuck around, which means you want this job". Now THAT, is much worse, and does happen.
dumb to say it out loud but not wrong. depending on what i’m hiring for i’d strongly bias toward people that show up early because at a lot of jobs the main part of the job is the be there and be on time aspect of it. if you’re not going to do for an interview i’d have no expectation you’d do it for the actual work. my wifey manages a retail spot and she couldn’t believe how many times people would do last minute call outs to not show up that day for work. Makes it such a struggle for everyone else and a hassle for her to find someone else to fill the shift. She made a simple expectation that all good if people call out but she’s going to give hours to people that don’t do that and that show up to work regularly. now her work life is great because eventually the people that call out all the time quit and she’s left work a store of employees that all want to be there + show up for their shifts.

There's nothing inherently wrong about this. It just comes across as a little uppity and doesn't need to be shared on social media. I've always assumed you should show up at least 15 minutes early for a job interview. Also, you don't know what your interviewer's calendar looks like that day. Starting five minutes early may give them an extra five minutes later, or allow your interview to go overtime by a few minutes.

The far worse version is the people who show up at 8 am, and sit there for five hours, and when the interviews finally start, the interviewer says "good, you're the ones who stuck around, which means you want this job". Now THAT, is much worse, and does happen.

have to disagree with you guys.

enough of these games. treat people like grown adults and just say what time you expect them to show up.

I think it’s absolutely ridiculous you expect people to show up earlier than the time you/the interviewer scheduled them for. it’s patronizing and just another prime example of millennials BS corporate work culture playing these games.
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