Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Sure he is but he clearly isn't doing it in a recreational way. He isn't just doing it to be a jerk.

He said he is picking someone up.

Drive around the car and go on with your business.

No need to be so extra about it. (Well I guess the reason is because the camera was on)

Maybe it's a cultural thing but the times I have been on my bike and someone was "in the way", I just went on about my business. I didn't pretend It was anything more than that.

You might be the first cyclist I like. **** happens, like you said just go around people wanna make a big deal about everything. Biker over just expects the lane to be clear everytime and theres driveways as well?
You might be the first cyclist I like. **** happens, like you said just go around people wanna make a big deal about everything. Biker over just expects the lane to be clear everytime and theres driveways as well?

She found her way around the car. All the talking ain't even necessary. Unless you are willing to knock the person out you are running your mouth to, it ain't a good idea to start running your mouth at somebody. That's my stance in life.

Cyclists are so hypocritical at that. We are able to move in and out of being a vehicle, bike, or pedestrian whenever we want to. Ride in the street, ride on the sidewalks, ride in the bikelanes. But people are just supposed to deal with it?

But when someone "wrongs" them they make a big deal about it. Nah. Go on about your business man. You had space to get around the car, do it and ride your bike.

All that fakin for the camera will get you knocked out talking to the wrong person.

Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
You've carried on longer than the cyclist.

Nah let him talk, theres way too many cyclists in NYC that trip over the slightest inconvenience to their precious bike lanes. Funny when no one bats an eye on the subway where theres some crazy stuff happening, where no one pays attention to anyone or anything when theyre walking from a to b, yet the cyclist here are crying over anything. :lol:
All she said was "nice, super nice"

He said "what"

She answered him

Then they started to bicker

Dude was in the wrong, so it seems to me like she didn't run her mouth anymore than he did

So she is really in the wrong for just saying "nice, super nice"
Nah let him talk, theres way too many cyclists in NYC that trip over the slightest inconvenience to their precious bike lanes. Funny when no one bats an eye on the subway where theres some crazy stuff happening, where no one pays attention to anyone or anything when theyre walking from a to b, yet the cyclist here are crying over anything. :lol:

Like I said, I am sure she got balls because she knew the interaction was being recorded.

It isn't the moral battle she was attempting to make it out to be by any stretch.
Sure he is but he clearly isn't doing it in a recreational way. He isn't just doing it to be a jerk.

He said he is picking someone up.

Drive around the car and go on with your business.

No need to be so extra about it. (Well I guess the reason is because the camera was on)

Maybe it's a cultural thing but the times I have been on my bike and someone was "in the way", I just went on about my business. I didn't pretend It was anything more than that.

the way he is blocking the path is irrelevant to the fact that he is…and clearly from his response he was unaware of it; that noted the bicyclists 1st inclination was to condescend rather than understand it was an honest mistake & inform
She is in the right

And she only said like three words

I don't think it is a big deal that she didn't moderate her tone when she quickly called him out.

The dude was in the wrong, and could have shut the hell up

She coudda kept it going and not been a little sidewalk police. He coudda also parallel parked or whatever. Point is, cyclist always cry about some minor inconvenience. She gonna do that everytime something in the bike lane? Sounds like a miserable person to me.
She coudda kept it going and not been a little sidewalk police. He coudda also parallel parked or whatever. Point is, cyclist always cry about some minor inconvenience. She gonna do that everytime something in the bike lane? Sounds like a miserable person to me.
Sounds like you generally cyclist, so because of that you want to take the side of the dude in this situation even though he is in the wrong and was just as condescending in their exchange.

I don't see why the onus is just on her to be polite, when dude is the one in the wrong.
Funny because WE have the same # of REPLIES to the video.

But do your thing man.

Well I have no problem with the biker raising a stink.

You've raised a bigger stink about the biker raising a stink than the biker raised a stink about the car blocking the bike lane, but you don't think the biker should have raised any stink, yet you're free to raise a stink about the biker.
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