Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

if you're on a bike, that's just how it is and how it always will be. you're gonna go around and you aren't teaching anyone any lessons for the future. no point in even saying anything.

They an extra sensitive bunch.

They give /****cars subreddit energy.
She found her way around the car. All the talking ain't even necessary. Unless you are willing to knock the person out you are running your mouth to, it ain't a good idea to start running your mouth at somebody. That's my stance in life.

Cyclists are so hypocritical at that. We are able to move in and out of being a vehicle, bike, or pedestrian whenever we want to. Ride in the street, ride on the sidewalks, ride in the bikelanes. But people are just supposed to deal with it?

But when someone "wrongs" them they make a big deal about it. Nah. Go on about your business man. You had space to get around the car, do it and ride your bike.

All that fakin for the camera will get you knocked out talking to the wrong person.

Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.
Yes, the car shouldn't have been in the bike lane.

😅 yea, i definitely break all sorts of code of conduct when i’m on my bicycle as is convenient…i’m never tripping too crazy about what bicyclists, motorists, and/or pedestrians do because i almost always expect a madness 😂

Sounds like you generally cyclist, so because of that you want to take the side of the dude in this situation even though he is in the wrong and was just as condescending in their exchange.

I don't see why the onus is just on her to be polite, when dude is the one in the wrong.

i think, for the most parts, you get the energy you give out…and they both were on banter as such the impasse results in both dismissing each other
i think, for the most parts, you get the energy you give out…and they both were on banter as such the impasse results in both dismissing each other
Yeah, ok sure, they were both talking pass one another

But she was in the right, and really don't see anyone taking issue with dude's tone

Of all the arguments I have been on the road, even the ones involving arguments, her response was pretty tame.

But dudes main objection in here is that she didn't take it in stride.

That hints to be there is a underlying bias at play
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Americans have some real weird pent-up rage against cyclists.

📠 i’m 100% part of the problem too 😅 while i wouldn’t consider myself an avid cyclist i do get a bunch seat time riding to work & definitely don’t adhere to the rules of the road at all 🤣🤣🤣 and depending where folk are there definitely is an underlying contention especially because many of roads aren’t/weren’t made to be shared
You dudes are bugging. Cyclist was 100% correct and the fact that you guys have to keep revising your arguments should be indicative that your argument is weak to begin with.

If you’re gonna get in your feels because some lady on a bike gave you 5% of an attitude for doing the wrong thing it’s time to develop some thicker skin. She’s acting “entitled” because she IS entitled to bike in the bike lane.
probably wasnt talking to me but right and wrong has nothing to do with it

cyclist is gonna defer no matter what.
like when i’m stuck behind an 18 wheeler in the fast lane, i’m gonna sit there and be patient. and that’s that.
probably wasnt talking to me but right and wrong has nothing to do with it

cyclist is gonna defer no matter what.
like when i’m stuck behind an 18 wheeler in the fast lane, i’m gonna sit there and be patient. and that’s that.
This analogy doesn’t make much sense with regard to the video.
How is the pizza there? You ever tried it?
Hell yea I tried it! Thats actually my favorite local pizza spot. I will say, if you are like a certain NTer that shall remain nameless and are against toppings, it might not be for you. Its Texas after all, the more the better here. :lol:
Americans have some real weird pent-up rage against cyclists.
I commute 30 miles every week

I ride pretty fast 20-30mph all city/urban riding and when I pull up next to a car, they get hella aggressive and speed off like they trying to race me.

Like they cant stand having a bike keeping pace next to them, super common. I'm not even trying to race them I'm just maintaining the flow of traffic.

I almost get hit 2X a week on average every single week......people just do not see us or care to look...

so every opportunity I get, I will roast a driver for being in the wrong.

Its one thing to get into an accident with another can literally be death on a bike.

I would have definitely gave the dood the stink eye for being in the bike lane, if he would have said something I would have hooped off my bike immediatley and gave him time. IF he doesn't say anything, I don't say anything.

Just my 2 cents from a daily commuter.
Alec Baldwin’s case got dismissed, idk bout yall and maybe im missing something but I dont understand why hes even being charged? Yeah he shot someone on set but theres people to check props and stuff and how was he supposed to know he had a loaded gun that he would genuinely assume is not loaded? Seems crazy to me unless again im missing something.
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