Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

NT is going to hell :stoneface:

Feeding on pre puberty yambs :stoneface: :smh: :x 0] |I  x 12000000
Girls go into pubert early as a mog shun, so pre puberty yambs would be like 8 years old. Fifteen is ok, not legally, anything below that though is creepy. Im eighteen though not thirty so....
That Enzo scraping backwards on the barrier. 
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Dogs,in jersey there is a 3 or 4 year age thing so I could pop a quince if I wanted too.
If im wrong though, PLEASE correct me, cuz some of these Sophomores be looking tasty.
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I learned something new today. Didn't even know what a "ephebophile" was...

The word ephebophile derives from Greek, with the individual root meanings of ephebo-, "youth", and phile, "one who is attracted to". In this case, "youth" does not mean "child", but rather a young adult, such as they are capable of reproduction and are biologically an adult regardless of the arbitrary age of adulthood defined by the government of ones country.

It happens to be the case that if you are below this arbitrary age and are attracted to someone of the same age, that this is not considered wrong, but "normal". However, if you even are slightly outside of this age range and are attracted to one within this age range, that is considered not normal, but "wrong".

In the instance of a male 18 years old being attracted to a female 17 years old, this is a more socially acceptable form of ephebophilia. However, there are even some who would argue that since a law is invented by humans, such as having arbitrary but not actual value even, that it is absolute.

Male being attracted to female, such is more natural as mammary glands are indicative of biological adulthood. Female being attracted to male, it is a bit less visually deterministic.

Guy 1: hey, she looks nice.

Guy 2: dude, shes younger than the arbitrarily defined age of adulthood, so you're an ephebophile!

My girl turned 20 this past week. So I guess I'm not a ephebophile any more and my relationship will now be accepted by society. Great :lol:
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In my state, anything under 18 is considered below the age of legal consent for sex. so statutory rape son. If 35 goes into 16, then you will be doing 20 years. And you'll be gettin 12-14 from tyrone, you do the math.
Dogs,in jersey there is a 3 or 4 year age thing so I could pop a quince if I wanted too.
If im wrong though, PLEASE correct me, cuz some of these Sophomores be looking tasty.
He aint lying about the age thing lmao, i'm in jersey too, what part you from
Bruh, I don't get it...****** is in they 30s chasing teens's GROWN BAD hos out there and dudes messing with teens? Why
Why? It's crazy easy to mess with young girls, and this is coming from a soon to be college freshman with no job and no car. Now imagine being a grown man with money, your own place, a car, etc.
Women like mature, confident men. Also, there's no pressure with young girls, as a lot of the stuff you do is new to them.
I remember when spm said my future wife aint even born yet........ i was like ummm

Wiggy wiggy wiggy wiggy wiggy wiggy wiggy
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