Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


If this dude looks familiar its probably because was a member of the infamous "Icy Hot Stunnaz". Some of you probably remember these clowns from back in the Anglefire, Geocities, Tripod days.




Which one is he? I hope its not Da Flame...."All da gurlies be up on Da Flame."

Brought me back with that one! lol.
 I laughed. Not because it was funny, but because of the absurdity of this
Yeah, I wish they would of just distributed the soldier black kids and white monkey kids evenly. I believe in Evolution, so we as humans are cousins of apes. But we all know society's history of racism and how they pigeon holed the term as a condescending slur for Black Americans, when it comes to calling people a monkey.

This pic is straight race baiting, along with trying to be purposely disrespecting.
When you have a person you believe to have super-human powers, it’s hard to let that person go. Nigerian “prophet” Iretiola Ajanaku had convinced his followers that he had the ability to heal sick people, make the deaf hear and perform all sorts of other miracles that created a massive following for him. His last great act was going to be to rise from the dead a few days after his death.

So, when the minister was buried, his parishioners chose to wait for him to come back as he’d promised, and they were sure that he was going to follow through. So, they waited, and waited and waited…..still nothing. He died last August, which is quite a long time to keep a dead body around. They likely didn’t freeze him, since it would be more difficult to rise from the dead when your body is frozen.

After waiting for one year, the congregation finally realized that their beloved prophet was really gone and wasn’t coming back anytime soon. That’s when they went ahead and decided to bury him. The church announced that they are going to hold a funeral service for the pastor in the grand style to which he was accustomed. But there are some who might think that he’s just holding on for a big finale.

So, this leads to the question: Do you think that people are easily swayed by false prophets? Are there any real prophets in the world today with the ability to truly heal the sick? If we don’t believe that they exist today, then why is it so easy to believe that they existed two thousand years ago?
Smh but beyond that.

When you have a person you believe to have super-human powers, it’s hard to let that person go. Nigerian “prophet” Iretiola Ajanaku had convinced his followers that he had the ability to heal sick people, make the deaf hear and perform all sorts of other miracles that created a massive following for him. His last great act was going to be to rise from the dead a few days after his death.

So, when the minister was buried, his parishioners chose to wait for him to come back as he’d promised, and they were sure that he was going to follow through. So, they waited, and waited and waited…..still nothing. He died last August, which is quite a long time to keep a dead body around. They likely didn’t freeze him, since it would be more difficult to rise from the dead when your body is frozen.

After waiting for one year, the congregation finally realized that their beloved prophet was really gone and wasn’t coming back anytime soon. That’s when they went ahead and decided to bury him. The church announced that they are going to hold a funeral service for the pastor in the grand style to which he was accustomed. But there are some who might think that he’s just holding on for a big finale.

So, this leads to the question: Do you think that people are easily swayed by false prophets? Are there any real prophets in the world today with the ability to truly heal the sick? If we don’t believe that they exist today, then why is it so easy to believe that they existed two thousand years ago?

:lol: at the comparison pics
But I definitely see your point.
That whole church is ******ed. Even if you believed he was a prophet, since when do prophets rise from the dead? So they thought this dude was Jesus? Really?
Student Resource Guide 2014–2015

Prohibited Activities

Each student accepts the responsibility to actively uphold the Code of Conduct and to refrain from any action that would be detrimental to spiritual growth, the safety or well-being of others, or that would impair the ability of others to follow the Code of Conduct. (1 Pet. 2:11, Rom. 14:13) For this reason, students who participate in illegal or prohibited activities or who build a reputation for involvement in these activities will be subject to discipline including but not limited to demerits, referral, retribution, suspension, or dismissal.

Use, possession, or association with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs— As a protection against harmful effects and the controlling nature of these substances, Scripture teaches us to avoid them. In addition, state and federal law prohibits the unlawful sale, use, or possession of drugs and alcohol. (Prov. 23:31; Rom. 12:1; Prov. 20:1; 1 Cor. 6:19–20)

Pornography or sexual immorality—The Bible indicates that all sexual activity outside of marriage is sin. Therefore, the following is considered to be sexually immoral: fornication, adultery, homosexual behavior, or any other sexual perversion. Also, any involvement in pornography or sexual communications, including verbal, written, or electronic, are prohibited. (1 Cor. 6:9–10, 18–20, Matt. 5:28, Heb. 13:4, Rom. 1:26–27, Ps. 119:37, 1 John 2:16)

Dancing—The seductive nature and worldly music of most forms of dancing are contrary to biblical principles. PCC wants students to have a wholesome relationship with members of the opposite gender without the temptations that are often associated with dancing, so dancing is not permitted. (1 Tim. 4:12, 1 Cor. 7:1)

Profanity or obscenity—Inappropriate language must be avoided whether it be written, electronic, or verbal. (Eph. 4:29, Col. 3:8, James 5:12)

Harassment, abuse, and discrimination— The safety and well-being of students is of utmost importance. PCC does not tolerate hazing, physical or verbal abuse, coercion, stalking, intimidation, harassment (verbal or sexual), discrimination, or any other behavior that places the health and safety of other students in jeopardy. Students must avoid the use of divisive or inflammatory comments, symbols, or actions of any kind, even in jest. (Col. 3:8; 4:6; Eph. 4:29–32)

Gambling (including the lottery)—Christians are called to be good stewards of that which God has given. Gambling is rooted in greed and materialism and against the principles found in the Word of God. Therefore, students should not participate in any form of gambling Using playing cards generally associated with gambling should be avoided, and visiting casinos can cause one’s testimony to be tarnished. (Prov. 13:11; Prov. 28:22)

Stealing—The Bible clearly teaches that stealing is wrong. Taking or using what does not belong to you without the owner’s consent is considered stealing. (Rom. 13: 8–10)

Witchcraft, séances, astrology, or any other satanic practices—Anything associated with these activities is in direct contradiction to biblical principles. (Gal. 5:19–21)


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Student Resource Guide 2014–2015

Prohibited Activities

Each student accepts the responsibility to actively uphold the Code of Conduct and to refrain from any action that would be detrimental to spiritual growth, the safety or well-being of others, or that would impair the ability of others to follow the Code of Conduct. (1 Pet. 2:11, Rom. 14:13) For this reason, students who participate in illegal or prohibited activities or who build a reputation for involvement in these activities will be subject to discipline including but not limited to demerits, referral, retribution, suspension, or dismissal.

Use, possession, or association with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs— As a protection against harmful effects and the controlling nature of these substances, Scripture teaches us to avoid them. In addition, state and federal law prohibits the unlawful sale, use, or possession of drugs and alcohol. (Prov. 23:31; Rom. 12:1; Prov. 20:1; 1 Cor. 6:19–20)

Pornography or sexual immorality—The Bible indicates that all sexual activity outside of marriage is sin. Therefore, the following is considered to be sexually immoral: fornication, adultery, homosexual behavior, or any other sexual perversion. Also, any involvement in pornography or sexual communications, including verbal, written, or electronic, are prohibited. (1 Cor. 6:9–10, 18–20, Matt. 5:28, Heb. 13:4, Rom. 1:26–27, Ps. 119:37, 1 John 2:16)

Dancing—The seductive nature and worldly music of most forms of dancing are contrary to biblical principles. PCC wants students to have a wholesome relationship with members of the opposite gender without the temptations that are often associated with dancing, so dancing is not permitted. (1 Tim. 4:12, 1 Cor. 7:1)

Profanity or obscenity—Inappropriate language must be avoided whether it be written, electronic, or verbal. (Eph. 4:29, Col. 3:8, James 5:12)

Harassment, abuse, and discrimination— The safety and well-being of students is of utmost importance. PCC does not tolerate hazing, physical or verbal abuse, coercion, stalking, intimidation, harassment (verbal or sexual), discrimination, or any other behavior that places the health and safety of other students in jeopardy. Students must avoid the use of divisive or inflammatory comments, symbols, or actions of any kind, even in jest. (Col. 3:8; 4:6; Eph. 4:29–32)

Gambling (including the lottery)—Christians are called to be good stewards of that which God has given. Gambling is rooted in greed and materialism and against the principles found in the Word of God. Therefore, students should not participate in any form of gambling Using playing cards generally associated with gambling should be avoided, and visiting casinos can cause one’s testimony to be tarnished. (Prov. 13:11; Prov. 28:22)

Stealing—The Bible clearly teaches that stealing is wrong. Taking or using what does not belong to you without the owner’s consent is considered stealing. (Rom. 13: 8–10)

Witchcraft, séances, astrology, or any other satanic practices—Anything associated with these activities is in direct contradiction to biblical principles. (Gal. 5:19–21)


More L's for Florida
Brb applying there to go reenact footloose

Bout to be in the hallways like

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