Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I deal with public transportation out here in LA. I'm curious to know this too....

I want to say somewhere NorthEast
Oh cool. I bet you have some stories of the crazy things that happen. Cali do have some weirdos :lol:
I was going to guess the same.
Oh cool. I bet you have some stories of the crazy things that happen. Cali do have some weirdos :lol:
I was going to guess the same.

😁 Perfect thread...

I have a couple for you......

1. Main train station in LA. Caught two homeless randoms having sex in the middle of the floor in front of everybody(but cops). The guy was white in his early 40's and the chick was black in her early 60's. :smh: Butt naked in between 2 floors of escalators. I told them the cops are on they way(they really were) so they can scram b4 getting caught trying to get a (squirrels food.) They left b4 cops arrived.

2. Train station near Santa Monica. Asked a guy to get down from a railing before he hurt himself. As I'm walking around the stairs, he gets down and mocks me with a squeaky voice. So I'm like 🤦‍♂️ dude I'm just trying to look out for your safety. He's says" na ain't no train worker going to tell me what to do." Mind you.. were about the same height and size. So worse comes to worse, it'll be a nice fair one. He literally continues and calls me every name in the book including the N-word with ER. I say, "G you know I'm at work but we can go behind that Party City building though." He says alright and I thought he went to go grab his bags and whatever. Nope... This dude goes behind my back and BAM... He took a nice cold swing to the back of my head. (Mind you I'm going through a break up, so I'm ready to let loose). There was one other guy that's watching this whole thing. After dude hit me I couldnt help it but to laugh, because I knew the amount of anger I had built up in me would blow his punch out the water. I dropped my tools and took my hat off. Oh boy.... I mixed this dude like a blender. Now his screaming "ok ok ok you got me" while I'm standing over him. Blood everywhere... Train security pops up out off nowhere. I'm thinking awwww man, they seen it all and my job is done. First thing the security says, "aye I'm glad you beat his a$z, he's been up here talking crap all day." So much relief.. The dude picks up his stuff and leave. Security stands by me while I finished my work there. 2-3 minutes later, both of my hands are in excruciating pain. Went to urgent care later that night. I sprained both hands and damaged a little muscle tissue. No write-ups. No 3 panel meetings about it. No follow ups. No workers comp. Supervisor didnt say anything. Just another day on the Metro in LA...
Chelsea Handler would definitely get my D if opportunity presents itself. Raw dogging too. But then again I’ll raw dog Snoop from The Wire and Wendy Williams. So my opinion doesn’t count much right now. I’m just a savage. Box is Box B.

Pick another username my dude. This one is done.
I love this thread, but I think my biggest issue with it is the lack of fools getting the hose.

"Alright, so I have a story.
My neighbor has a Black Lives matter sign in her front yard. Some lady parks in the middle of the street and starts screaming "White Lives Matter!" For 30 minutes. After politely asking her to move along, I put the hose on her."
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