Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Nothing wrong. I have multiple friends who wanted to stop at two kids and the dudes got snipped. I think it's easier for the guy to get a vasectomy than the woman getting her "tubes tied", although I know some couples where they both did the procedure.

As for his description of the process, I have not done it, but I know people who have, and one time, a buddy of mine punched a guy in the nuts who had just had it done. I thought the guy was going to die. For real.

Yeah agreed. I got confused with ppl saying "This foo trippin. Id inject a tribe & village. "
Or they just saying they'd smash to infinity? lol

Vasectomy is an easy procedure compared to the tubes tied for sure. One can take half a day off of work, procedure is like 25 mins. Back to work the next day depending on how physical someone's job is.

lol and smh at the same time at the punch, I'm surprised he didn't die.

Doing it :lol:

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