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Originally Posted by wawaweewa
What is your reasoning behind moving out?
You may have the funds (depends where you live but i wouldn't say 8k is enough) but you also have to have a good reason to go. Too many people move out simply because, "I want to live on my own". I always scratch my head at that one. As if living on your own is some sort of feat in and of itself.
People want to get away from their parents, feel accomplished by having their own home or like they have to have to because of their age.
I understand people who move out because:
Terrible relationships with their parents
Live in GF/Fiance
Are >30 (sort of arbitrary but 30's kinda old
Moving into a long term home
Have an occupation where they make nice coin. Not just decent.
I think leaving home early is a US thing. In other parts of the world kids are expected to stay until they get married and even then they live with the 'rents for the first few years.