FOUR hypothetical questions for those in REAL-ationships.

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

No- Self explanatory. My girl doesn't have huge flaws anyways. No brainer.
No- Lol, joking right?
Yes- She's had male friends before me, no sense in changing that once we're together
Yes- She's still friends with her ex. No biggie because nothing would ever come of it anyways. She'd never risk losing me to her ex, fact.
I don't care about male friends at all.. But, I can't do an ex boyfriend for the simple fact that he used to smash and do everything you do with her now before you.. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

No- Self explanatory. My girl doesn't have huge flaws anyways. No brainer.
No- Lol, joking right?
Yes- She's had male friends before me, no sense in changing that once we're together
Yes- She's still friends with her ex. No biggie because nothing would ever come of it anyways. She'd never risk losing me to her ex, fact.
I don't care about male friends at all.. But, I can't do an ex boyfriend for the simple fact that he used to smash and do everything you do with her now before you.. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

K2theAblaM wrote:

Yes- She's still friends with her ex. No biggie because nothing would ever come of it anyways. She'd never risk losing me to her ex, fact.
Yea just keep him around. You are asking for something to happen. But you will just call me insecure for not allowing that. I just don't think it is a good idea. Will he come to the wedding too?

What wedding?

And no, I wouldn't call you insecure. What you say is normal and I would implore everyone else to take heed.

I'm just a little more secure than most, and have a zero tolerance policy for games and nonsense. I've built my relationship in such a way that this sort of power is on my side.

Like I said, she wouldn't risk losing me for a dude like that, fact.

Originally Posted by Murda He

I just don't build fences around my jail. This here's the gun line. Cross me, and your chances with me are shot. Period.  Even God put the Tree of Knowledge in Eden as a test. You gotta give people the room to %+@# up so they can prov they aren't going to IMO.

This guy put it well.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

K2theAblaM wrote:

Yes- She's still friends with her ex. No biggie because nothing would ever come of it anyways. She'd never risk losing me to her ex, fact.
Yea just keep him around. You are asking for something to happen. But you will just call me insecure for not allowing that. I just don't think it is a good idea. Will he come to the wedding too?

What wedding?

And no, I wouldn't call you insecure. What you say is normal and I would implore everyone else to take heed.

I'm just a little more secure than most, and have a zero tolerance policy for games and nonsense. I've built my relationship in such a way that this sort of power is on my side.

Like I said, she wouldn't risk losing me for a dude like that, fact.

Originally Posted by Murda He

I just don't build fences around my jail. This here's the gun line. Cross me, and your chances with me are shot. Period.  Even God put the Tree of Knowledge in Eden as a test. You gotta give people the room to %+@# up so they can prov they aren't going to IMO.

This guy put it well.
Originally Posted by Murda He

  • (Maturity)If you could wish away your girl's worse personality trait at the expense of her best physical trait, would you?
  • (Sacrifice)Would you let your girl see other women (even though that undermines the actual stability of your relationship)? 
  • (Trust) Do you "allow" her to have male friends?
  • (Loyalty) Would you "allow" your girl to maintain platonic emotional ties to a previous lover even if you were confident that what you had to offer was more than he ever could??

1) No...if her worst trait is bad enough to negate her best feature, why the hell am I with her?

2) Only if I could see other girls too.

3) Sure, whatever.

4) Nope...exes are nothing but trouble.
Originally Posted by Murda He

  • (Maturity)If you could wish away your girl's worse personality trait at the expense of her best physical trait, would you?
  • (Sacrifice)Would you let your girl see other women (even though that undermines the actual stability of your relationship)? 
  • (Trust) Do you "allow" her to have male friends?
  • (Loyalty) Would you "allow" your girl to maintain platonic emotional ties to a previous lover even if you were confident that what you had to offer was more than he ever could??

1) No...if her worst trait is bad enough to negate her best feature, why the hell am I with her?

2) Only if I could see other girls too.

3) Sure, whatever.

4) Nope...exes are nothing but trouble.
tricky question - your "girl" is gonna do what she wants...eventually. So it's not a point if I allow girl can do whatever the hell she wants to do, but when she does something that totally rubs me the wrong way i'm out. Your "girl" should have an understanding of what can fly and what doesn't fly with you, and you have to be "wise" enough to be able to break away the layers girls put on through the relationship so you can see if she's a good match for you. If something irks me about a girl...i mean something big not some petty **+*...i'd bring it up to her and see what she says. from her response I can use intuition, instinct, and foresight to see if this is something I would want to deal with down the road if it ever became a problem.

Like I said it's not about "allowing" your girl to do's finding a girl that shares the same outlook as you do.
tricky question - your "girl" is gonna do what she wants...eventually. So it's not a point if I allow girl can do whatever the hell she wants to do, but when she does something that totally rubs me the wrong way i'm out. Your "girl" should have an understanding of what can fly and what doesn't fly with you, and you have to be "wise" enough to be able to break away the layers girls put on through the relationship so you can see if she's a good match for you. If something irks me about a girl...i mean something big not some petty **+*...i'd bring it up to her and see what she says. from her response I can use intuition, instinct, and foresight to see if this is something I would want to deal with down the road if it ever became a problem.

Like I said it's not about "allowing" your girl to do's finding a girl that shares the same outlook as you do.
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