FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
Gambit is my favorite character in the Marvel Universe, I really hope they do this film justice.
Same here but given his brief role in that Wolverine film I dunno man... :frown: After a trailer we will have a much better idea. I was thinking all of these years we have never saw Wolverine in anything close to his old costumes. No facemask/pointy ears ever. :smh: I'm scared to see what they could potentially do to Remy's gear...
In the leaked SDCC footage, his eyes turned all black when he felt Apocalypses' power through Cerebro. Maybe it's Apocs way of trying to control of him or fight back his telepathic powers when X is searching for him?
Fox removes F4 sequel from their schedule:

Well, the jam-packed comic book movie slate of 2017 just got a little less crowded as 20th Century Fox announced late Monday night that they've officially removed Fantastic Four 2 from their upcoming release schedule. The June 9, 2017 date is now solely occupied by Paramount Pictures' World War Z sequel. There's now an increased chance Fox decides to place an X-Men universe film here, with a Deadpool sequel and Channing Tatum's Gambit being the most likely candidates, however, if they really wanted to up the ante, they could always push back Hugh Jackman's final X-Men outing, Wolverine 3, from March to June.
An f4 sequel would just be a waste of money for them to make. It'll be stupid for them to do it which is why they'll probably try to.
Simon Kinberg Offers Update On NEW MUTANTS And The Final WOLVERINE Movie

On The Current Status Of Josh Boone's New Mutants:

I don’t know what the production plan is. Like with all of these things, we have to get the script right. That’s the most important part of it, and they’re just working on the first draft now, but the hope is that we’ll shoot it soon. And Josh has been game with this and gave us this incredibly elaborate presentation about New Mutants. He’s a huge comic book fan and grew up loving and reading specifically New Mutants, so he came with a whole movie presentation where he laid the film out and it was really cool.

On Where Things Stand With The Final Wolverine Movie:

We’re pretty close to a script that everyone’s excited about, and I don’t know when the start date is, but we won’t start until it’s ready to shoot. What Hugh said to you is the attitude we all have—myself, Lauren Shuler Donner, the studio, [director] James Mangold, Hutch Parker—all of us, feel like this is six or seven or eight (depending on how you count) movies in the making, and there are few characters in the history of cinema who have cast as big a shadow as Wolverine, so to tell the final chapter of that story, it has to be the best, and it has to have a mythic quality to it. So we have to get it right, and I think we will, and my experience working with Jim Mangold, I’ve been extraordinarily impressed with him. He’s just a really great storyteller; he’s incredible with character. Really diligent, just a special talent. I have very high hopes for that movie.

On The Storyline They're Adapting For The Third Wolverine:

I can’t talk about what it is, but I will say that in its essence it’s something that Hugh has been excited about for a while, and something James Mangold is incredibly excited about, and the two of them together is a pretty neat thing to watch having made a movie together, and I thought they made a pretty good one. They just have a shorthand fluency and trust. It’s really nice to watch.
I really wonder what storyline Fox plans to adapt for the next Wolverine movie.
Jackman has teased old man logan so maybe that?
I don't even know how it would fit in the Xmen continuity there is now since we've seen the future in that last movie when everything was fine.

I'd still like to see it though but they'd also need to get marvel on board
It'll be some bastardization of that.
All X-Men are dead and the only remaining team member is...

I don't even know how it would fit in the Xmen continuity there is now since we've seen the future in that last movie when everything was fine.

I'd still like to see it though but they'd also need to get marvel on board
That would be sweet though. Seeing dead superheros from the MCU and have NT's favorite Hawkeye play a key supporting role in the film.
I don't even know how it would fit in the Xmen continuity there is now since we've seen the future in that last movie when everything was fine.

I'd still like to see it though but they'd also need to get marvel on board

I think the "good" future ending of DOFP was kept open enough so they could fit other conflicts/adventures in if they needed to, like Apocalypse's attack in the 80s, whatever Deadpool and Colossus are going through in the modern age, etc.

Everyone seemed to be alive but that doesn't mean **** wasn't happening
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Since Wolverine can be immortal, it could be set decades after the ending of DoFPs future timeline. That part could still be grim and dark.
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