FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
I'm really not getting all of this Ryan Reynolds defending going on right now. Son is a slightly above average actor at best right now that happens to consistently get roles cuz Hollywood needs a straight white male face out there. He's at least proven himself in that sarcastic snarky annoying rom-com caricature. Dude been in the game for like 20 years he's gonna have his detractors as well as fans.

At this point we all know what works and what doesn't. Him being disliked for being annoying is no surprise at all and really I couldn't imagine him playing any kind of serious role or being taken seriously given his track record so it's all par for the course.
Is this something ppl wanted to see? :lol:

Evans and him are pretty much on Par with each other...literally the same exact actor and caliber, I'd probably give the edge to Reynolds because I don't think Evans can rock out a romcom....yet no one hates on Evans, well because he's attached to Cap and MCU....Reynolds is also better than Pratt, definitely has more range than him, but not Pratt is literally on A list caliber because of what?...2 movies...dude was fat and just funny on a sitcom....but once again Starlord/MCU fanboyism....not saying he either Chris was bad, but had Reynolds landed some role in the MCU he would have been praised as well....he's not a bad actor and definitely better than Pratt, Evans and even RDJ...he just had some crappy ***** scripts.
You'll get no argument here. I was never a big fan of Evans. Son was just tolerable and yes as an actor he seems even more limited than Reynolds. In comparison Reynolds definitely has more range (he did have that movie where he was buried alive).

Evans is kinda just there if he's not playing the hot guy or one liner guy. I don't find anything special about his Cap. He was a better Johnny Storm.

Sort of like Reynolds though, Evans has been in a lot of sci fi comic book movies over the 13 years or so (he was rarely the lead though) and he was getting just about the same outcome Reynolds was until the success with Cap and that's mainly cuz the MCU as a whole did well.

Reynolds gets the hate cuz of his snarky sarcastic demeanor. It's borderline douchey. I don't hate on him for that, I kind of just accept when he acts in certain roles he'll just bring that same tired act over and over but c'mon now if Evans had sucked as Johnny Storm then stunk up some other cbm or two and then got the role as Cap ppl would be bemoaning it before they saw it as well. Reynolds gave us a lot of crap when it comes to being the lead of a comic book movie. I think yall guys underselling how bad Green Lantern was and how atrocious RIPD was.

I don't get why yall can't see why Reynolds gets hate. Comparing him to Pratt is even more of a fail. That'd be like asking how come ppl don't praise Leo but everybody praises Tom Hardy. You comparing somebody who been around the block to the new guy. Pratt hasn't been in movies for the past decade so we can get tired of him and even then some ppl are ******* tired already of Pratt's name being brought up for every new lead action role just cuz he was good as Star-Lord. I know I don't want him to be my new Indiana Jones. The reason for Pratt's push is once again Hollywood is thirsty for their next straight white male they can champion for franchises for the next decade. They're thirsty for past decades cuz they don't know how to adapt. Has nothing to do with Marvel fanboysim. Being in the MCU just raises an actors profile.

I've already said I could've seen Reynolds as Hawkeye. He'd be a better Hawkeye than Renner. I can't see him as many other Marvel superheroes though. I thought he was a terrible fit for Hal Jordan GL before it even came out.

Also bringing up Reynolds' range is all well and good but lets not pretend dude is bringing that consistently in all his movies. He hasn't made that role choice pivot that Matthew McConaghey made to be taken as a more improved actor by directors, producers, and studios out there. Dude is still seen as the comic relief guy.

Pause on who you think looks better between Pratt and/or Evans, Reynolds. You and tdogg2k tdogg2k can have that.

As far as hate, there's also the clearly subjective stance some ppl just really don't like Reynolds for w/e reason. Everybody have actors they just can't stand.
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Evans and him are pretty much on Par with each other...literally the same exact actor and caliber, I'd probably give the edge to Reynolds because I don't think Evans can rock out a romcom....yet no one hates on Evans, well because he's attached to Cap and MCU....Reynolds is also better than Pratt, definitely has more range than him, but not Pratt is literally on A list caliber because of what?...2 movies...dude was fat and just funny on a sitcom....but once again Starlord/MCU fanboyism....not saying he either Chris was bad, but had Reynolds landed some role in the MCU he would have been praised as well....he's not a bad actor and definitely better than Pratt, Evans and even RDJ...he just had some crappy ***** scripts.

Reynolds and Evans are the same level and I remember Evans getting a lot of crap when he was chosen as Cap. He had to prove himself to be good enough and he did. Plus Reynolds just seemed to be in a new movie every couple months while Evans seems to be more selective now. Also Snowpiercer >>>> any Ryan Reynolds film

I wouldn't say Pratt is a better actor then Reynolds but he's more charismatic and a better lead action star. He's already held down two blockbusters to Reynolds zero. Plus his sense of humor is better and versatile.

Reynolds better than RDJ? Your drunk
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Giving pratt the nod over reynolds because he got in to 2 better movie franchises is kind of unfair.

And the more charismatic probably comes more from him being in that comdey series and thats how we know him
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Evans and him are pretty much on Par with each other...literally the same exact actor and caliber, I'd probably give the edge to Reynolds because I don't think Evans can rock out a romcom....yet no one hates on Evans, well because he's attached to Cap and MCU....Reynolds is also better than Pratt, definitely has more range than him, but not Pratt is literally on A list caliber because of what?...2 movies...dude was fat and just funny on a sitcom....but once again Starlord/MCU fanboyism....not saying he either Chris was bad, but had Reynolds landed some role in the MCU he would have been praised as well....he's not a bad actor and definitely better than Pratt, Evans and even RDJ...he just had some crappy ***** scripts.

Reynolds and Evans are the same level and I remember Evans getting a lot of crap when he was chosen as Cap. He had to prove himself to be good enough and he did. Plus Reynolds just seemed to be in a new movie every couple months while Evans seems to be more selective now. Also Snowpiercer >>>> any Ryan Reynolds film

I wouldn't say Pratt is a better actor then Reynolds but he's more charismatic and a better lead action star. He's already held down two blockbusters to Reynolds zero. Plus his sense of humor is better and versatile.

Reynolds better than RDJ? Your drunk
Yeah that post just read like he's anti-MCU or at least some of the actors.

If you're some how tired of RDJR stop watching the movies so many times or stop altogether. Trying to front on his skill and talent and mention ******* Ryan Reynolds in the same sentence with him is an insult to our taste in movies and intelligence.

Giving pratt the nod over reynolds because he got in to 2 better movie franchises is kind of unfair.

And the more charismatic probably comes more from him being in that comdey series and thats how we know him
Is it?

In one way I can see how you'd want to say Pratt got lucky with 2 movies especially since they basically took a risk on him with Star-Lord and that was his big break in to blockbuster action packed movies but on the other hand Ryan Reynolds has had the past 10 years to helm a franchise and make it a success or become a box office draw. In that same time span Vin ******* Diesel has managed to do it but not him. So yeah while he keeps getting roles consistently, I doubt anybody's saying he's a guarantee moneymaker. Nobody would take a risk on dude for a movie they weren't sure about budget/gross wise and even then there's still a risk.

Pratt has got that push and capitalized on it. He's created that atmosphere that he can make a franchise some money just by being in it. Dude's getting rumored for everything and getting a bunch of offers for lead roles. Reynolds is almost 40 isn't he? Soon he'll be doing the old badass action movies that Liam Neeson has made popular. He doesn't have that much time left if you think he should be on the same playing field as Pratt. Cuz for Pratt it'll just take him starring in one huge alien movie like a Predator remake or something new and eye catching for him to be rocketed to movie star level status. Reynolds isn't getting those same opportunities anymore. He needs Deadpool to be a hit more than Pratt needs GotG2 or the next movie he's the lead in to do good.
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Can't really Reynolds being as good as Pratt was in JW in that same role

I think Pratt has tons more charisma

As in, not even close. Not even the same stratosphere.
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I think its because of the actual comedy background more than anything. Pratt is a Comic actor,, it's how he started, it's the roles he got. so I think that's a completely different aspect when calculating Charisma.
Pratt's is more a humorous Charisma

Reynolds is more a nice dude I trust him with my dogs charisma
I thought he started out on Everwood. Well, that was the first thing I remember seeing him on. It was a dramatic show but he played a goofball, older brother character. He was Agent Carter's niece's brother.
Dang did Green Lantern really jade all of you that bad?

Ryan Reynolds fits the smart mouth hero role perfectly. I like Pratt but I find him and GOTG boring. People just like it because it's the "funny" version of a hero movie with some old school songs.

GOTG just came around at the right
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Yeah except those smart mouth hero roles suck. The movies he played hannibal king and green lantern would've been better movies if his characters had no speaking lines.
ya talking like every role he's been in, had been crap, dude has led 1 crappy VERY Crappy movie, not because of him but because the movie sucked PERIOD and that was GL....Blade trinity wasn't his movie, he was basically a supporting actor to a supporting actress...lmao...RIPD he was the better of the two stars in that movie, once again, TERRIBLE SCRIPT...other than that, what are all these movies that he ruined?...the hell you guys talking about?....he's had Amityville, Buried alive, costar with Denzel in safehouse and that movie was dope, he's had a great RomCom in The proposal....besides Iron Man RDJ has had very little success...the Judge was dope, but RDJ has very little range...he blows Stark out te water because he doesn't have to act to play him, HE IS TONY STARK....down to the him in The Judge and he's playing Tony AGAIN :lol:

Ya praising RDJ and downing Reynolds....that's silly...but I'll let ya challenge how in the world is RDJs career any better without Iron Man under his belt...this is coming from me, I actually like RDJ.

I don't hate the MCU, I hate the overrated praise the movies get, I legit think their biggest supposed to be blockbuster to date is one of the worst CBM I've seen, Age of Ultron was absolute garbage, put me to sleep last time I tried watching it.

Snowpiercer was a great role for Evans and he showed some good range there, I give him that, so did Reynolds in Amityville and in Safehouse tho.
So he's played a jackass comic book character twice and it was cringeworthy and now people are hyped to see him do it again. Not counting when he played dead pool the first time because I don't remember if he was at a high annoyance level in the wolverine movie. I don't like the dead pool character but if the movie's good i'll give it props. I'm looking forward to seeing the secondary characters.

Less Than Zero

Wonder Boys


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints

A Scanner Darkly




Amityville Horror

Just Friends

Chaos Theory

Smokin' Aces

Definitely, Maybe


Not Another Teen Movie



Before We Go

RDJ and Reynolds did more films before they jumped into CBM. Let's not forget that RDJ was widely considered one of the best actors of his generation (during that entire drug use era).

Evans kinda started his career with CBM, so you can't blame him for that. It also looks like he's trying his hand at dramas / indie films now.
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Reynolds reads the scripts right? He's partly to blame for taking a role in such ****** films. He's an average actor who's gotten plenty of opportunities to lead big films and has failed. I hope Deadpool is good and a hit but if it is, I hope he doesn't start getting casted into a bunch of big films as a the lead again. Just stick to Deadpool, ensemble movies, and doing smaller films like Buried, The Voices, Adventureland, etc.

RDJ has won a Golden Globe, BAFTA, and SAG and has been nominated for Oscars

They aren't on the same level of acting
I'm sure Reynolds reads the scripts, but let's take the example of RIPD. Maybe he thought it would be good because Jeff Bridges was attached.

GL? Martin Campbell is a legit director. And wouldn't you wanna smash Blake Lively too?

Regardless, his agent deserves kudos for keeping his career somewhat alive.
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Dang did Green Lantern really jade all of you that bad?

Ryan Reynolds fits the smart mouth hero role perfectly. I like Pratt but I find him and GOTG boring. People just like it because it's the "funny" version of a hero movie with some old school songs.

GOTG just came around at the right
Yeah but it doesn't work when you do that to a hero who isn't a smart mouth i.e. Hal Jordan, Green Lantern. Then it's like well who else can do what he does but isn't him? You see a long list you can adjust to or manage

Then you just kinda got look at all of the available superheroes that are popular enough to get movies that are smart mouths. He's not gonna be Spidey :lol: RDJR is the reason Iron Man is a household name. There's not a whole lot. Son should be praising his agent for getting him on Wolverine Origins even though it was a failure cuz that got him an in for Deadpool. If he never had that role DP is probably somebody else right now.
ya talking like every role he's been in, had been crap, dude has led 1 crappy VERY Crappy movie, not because of him but because the movie sucked PERIOD and that was GL....Blade trinity wasn't his movie, he was basically a supporting actor to a supporting actress...lmao...RIPD he was the better of the two stars in that movie, once again, TERRIBLE SCRIPT...other than that
What I'm getting from you here is that you want to minimize RIPD as much as you possibly can deny what a failure it was. If the script is terrible it's still his fault for doing the movie no?

You can't really pretend Bridges is on the same star level. Son is old now. He's doing a bunch of old vet and roles with prestige and gravitas in comedies or in dramas. Reynolds was suppose to be the draw of that movie.

That aside though, it just kinda comes down to the other movies he's been in recently haven't been that good or worth talking about like he gave an amazing performance and when that happens that's when you just become a serviceable actor.

I can't take you seriously with the RDJR talk at all like I think you need to go check his filmography and be real with yourself. If you're actually not a RDJR fan just say so. To pretend Reynolds is as good an actor or as entertaining is a bad joke.
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Over the past week, Collider has been providing great updates on the X-Men film universe, revealing detail after detail from their extensive chat with producer/writer Simon Kinberg.

“I mean Deadpool obviously has a very different, almost antithetical tone to the mainline X-Men movies,” says Kinberg. “The X-Men movies are dramatic and almost operatic, whereas Deadpool is irreverent and hysterical and sort of a dirty R-rated comedy in many ways. And Gambit will have its own different flavor and tone to it, will be more of like a heist movie and a sexy thriller in a way.”

"We have a director in and I don’t know if I’m allowed to say who it is yet because his deal isn’t done, but it’s somebody we’re excited about, and somebody I adore, and hopefully we can make an announcement soon about that. But we’ve been spending a lot of time together—Channing, [Reid Carolin, Tatum’s producing partner], [screenwriter Joshua Zetumer], the director, and myself—just working on the script, and we hope to start shooting next spring."
Mine as well.

I wish they would of kept Taylor Kitsch on.

I just don't see Channing as Gambit.

Too much pretty not enough gritty.
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