FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
being upset at how the characters age is just nit picking though, its still the same characters and they have clear emotional growth 

who cares if the actors are still young, its just something you have to accept in a franchise that makes a movie set in each decade with the same actors 

It's sort of nitpicky. Most movies tho, even the crappy ones, age their character's accordingly for the movie tho. I'll looked past it since fassbender is so good. It definitely adds to the list of bad things in Apoc tho
Lol you can say that you like the movie despite the aging issues, but that's an actual legitimate complaint and shouldn't be filed under nitpicking
being upset at how the characters age is just nit picking though, its still the same characters and they have clear emotional growth 

who cares if the actors are still young, its just something you have to accept in a franchise that makes a movie set in each decade with the same actors 

It's sort of nitpicky. Most movies tho, even the crappy ones, age their character's accordingly for the movie tho. I'll looked past it since fassbender is so good. It definitely adds to the list of bad things in Apoc tho
what other movie franchises take place over the span of 40 years though?

only rocky and starwars which they dont need effects because the actors have literally aged 40 years
What was up with the cheap looking make up/costumes for this movie. $170 mil, and the budget for make up was how much of that?

Nightcrawler and Apocalypse looked ridiculous. Apocalypse isn't supposed to be an average sized human, much less how corny he looked.

It was better than I expected. It was entertaining.

Wolverine had the most pointless appearance that it came off cheesey to me. I think that was a point they expected the audience to be wowed and start clapping.
The problem i think people are having with apocalypse is the way he lost because he is suppose to be way more powerful
But as someone. Pointed out before hes on the astral plane fughting the worlds most powerful mutant in that department. A max power magneto. Raw optic blast power cyclops. Upgraded storm..and the freaking phoenix. ...
Iirc in the 90s cartoon (since people like to cite this so much for the movies) aside from cable (was it him) they pretty much beat him the same.

Aside from that apoc did what he was suppose to do in this movie.

Costumes were good and will be better next film. (Majority of the film it was street clothes) def nit picking about that.

As they said above first class and dofp focused on those 3. This movie did the same. Most dislike her part so much because we know mystique was never exactly good but she did always fight for mutants
Costumes were good and will be better next film. (Majority of the film it was street clothes) def nit picking about that.

Nah. I could see your point with the aging. I could semi see your point with the airplane scene. Now you bugging. Apoc looked like trash. Most of the xmen looked like trash. Mystique was Jlaw almost the entire movie. Angel turned horsemen could've been so much better. Frail Caliban was decent. Jubilee, Psylocke, and Magneto were the other decent appearances.
speaking of ageing 

patrick stewart looks the same today as he did in 1990
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Apocalypse was incorrectly depicted from the get go. It's not just how he lost. He was generic destroy the world powerful bad guy in this. Singer didn't tap in to anything that makes the character interesting.

Those Double Toasted guys describe why this is a lukewarm movie.
Lukewarm is a perfect description of this movie. Or I would say kind of warm but not hot enough.

Apocalypse is not an interesting character to me aside from his abilities. Which the movie completely failed to adapt anyway.

The Double Toasted guys also said DOFP was better than WS tho :nerd:
Apocalypse was incorrectly depicted from the get go. It's not just how he lost. He was generic destroy the world powerful bad guy in this. Singer didn't tap in to anything that makes the character interesting.

Those Double Toasted guys describe why this is a lukewarm movie.

Is Singer a comic head or a fan of the 90's cartoon, because he doesn't seem like it. I keep wondering why the studio seems so intent on having the pedo the keys to the franchise.

I try to look at X-Men as if I don't know anything about it, because there's way too much to nitpick.
Singer is a liar talking about he loves this franchise.

He just likes the money to fund his nambla pool parties.

I remember his ban on comics.
Dude is in prison for completely unrelated charges if you really want to talk about this. Read the link you posted.

Peep the latest documentary pulling the curtain back on Hollywood pedophilia and sexual assault; An Open Secret.

Besides since when do facts matter when you're making fun of/insulting someone? :lol:
Haven't went through this thread, but am thinking about going to see Apocalypse this weekend, but just not sure. I'm a huge fan of all the x-men movies up till now, but this to me seems too out of place.  Opinions? Worth the $?
Go watch the movie word to Tdogg :lol:

But honestly if you're a "huge fan" of every single Fox-Men movie you shouldn't have too many problems with this one
Simon Kinberg Maintains That FANTASTIC FOUR Is A "Big Part" Of Fox's Marvel Plans Moving Forward

"I don’t think that there is, in any movie that doesn’t work, a single decision that is the reason that that movie doesn’t work. I think that there were many decisions we made along the way that led to a movie that people didn’t like and to a movie that I would do differently next time. I think the biggest takeaway for me the tone of the movie, while really interesting and ambitious, ran counter to the DNA of the source material. I think the source material of Fantastic Four is bright, optimistic, poppy in tone. There’s a sort of plucky spirit to those characters, and we made a darker, sort of body-horror kind of version of Fantastic Four, which again as I say it now sounds really interesting and cerebrally ambitious, but isn’t necessarily Fantastic Four."

"It’s a big part of [Fox’s superhero] plan going forward.… I would love to continue making movies with that cast."
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