Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

man, there sure are a lot of pairs on ebay. Hadn't checked until now. I wouldn't sell to make an extra $800 in profit, but i can't blame anyone who does.
Has money to cop all those pairs but has no car

He better be careful, someone going to rob him.
But you realize they are in New York, I visit all the time. To get to the mercer store its smarter to catch the train.
Car, bus, train, moped, 10-speed bike.....who GAF? Dude's probably still a deadbeat. 
I get your pricing point, and understand how expensive this hobby can be 1st hand.  Living in Chicago and idolizing Jordan growing up, Nike is hitting that "high school kid age" demographic when he was in his prime.  That's one key reason why sneakers are so hot right now in my opinion. (i'm in my 30's).

Regardless, with anything there will always be loopholes or ways to get things easier.  Money always talks with material possessions sadly, and that's why shoes go out the backdoor left & right, raffles are rigged etc, etc.  You have to pay to play nowadays which does suck, but if you're spending $200 on a pair of shoes multiple times a month it's worth it. During the holiday releases especially, what does that extra $50 mean when you're going to pay resale prices if you miss anyways?  

Nike will change things, but the hustle will still exist.  There will always be a way, so there's no point in hating on something you can't control.  
Trust me...I get where you're coming from, and other than growing up in Chicago, can easily identify with ya. I'm in my 30s as well, and also grew up idolizing Mike. People always throw around the term "sneakerhead" when I tell them my hobby, and I always have to correct them. I'm not a sneakerhead...I'm a huge MJ fan, and grew up with him and his shoes that could make a man "fly". As soon as I was old enough and self-sufficient, there was nothing holding me back from this hobby.

I agree with most of what you said, especially worrying about what is and isn't in our control. It's easy to complain and moan about something that we can't alter. Instead of cursing the weather when it snows...change what you can control and put a jacket and gloves on. Life is easier that way.

The whole ATC/bot stuff still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It shouldn't, but it does. I feel it being a slippery slope. First it was simple add to cart bots, then Chrome apps, now paid services. I just fear what's next. Needing a bot to buy an ATC slot, to an ATC service? I know that's far fetched, but who knows with how quickly all this IT stuff has influxed the past 3 years.

It doesn't help living in BFE, where the only mall in an hours drive has 1 small Footlocker and 1 FinishLine (that last year didn't even get half of the biggest GRs), and for the most part it is "online or bust". Ah well...adapt or get eaten I suppose. I'm just not personally ready to do it yet.

Well written post man. Repped. Don't know if you scored a pair, but if you did congrats. Hope to visit Chicago one day and go see the MJ statue.

lead me in the direction then.
If you get lucky on eBay, black/reds and royals hover around 350 to 400
Idk after this release doe :rolleyes


no Royals are in that range :lol:

i got luck as hell to find a pair earlier this summer for $400 and that was after searching all day everyday for weeks and finding the auction littlerally a minute after it was posted.

unless an idiot puts em up for sale cheap you arent finding royals anywhere near $400, a legit pair that is.
Would 2 pairs of my legend blue 11s ds for frags be possible? 
Nothing is impossible, but doubt it.

Unless you either don't want the XIs anymore, or have 3 pairs, don't really see the point regardless of an elaborate trade. What are the LBs going for on ebay? $350?

Even if it's $300, just sell the 2 pairs, get your $600, add the $200 you were going to spend on the Frags from Nike and pull the trigger on a pair. Even w/ the inflamed prices, I'm sure you can find a pair for $800.
Would 2 pairs of my legend blue 11s ds for frags be possible? 
For a trade? No.  If you sold both pair on ebay for $350-$375 each and had $700, you'd have a shot. 

I sold my Yeezy foams, Baron 9's and Baron 1's and bought my Royal 1's.  But would someone trade me Royals for those 3 shoes?  Hell no.

Just think of it as quality over quantity.  Do it the right way, cash rules everything here.  
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