Free/Cheap Things To Do In NYC - Manhattan and Brooklyn

Feb 7, 2010
going to New York/New Jersey next weekend and we're trying to spend less than we normally do...only going to NYC on Saturday

other than doing a small amount of shopping and having dinner and drinks around LES at night we're trying to keep expenses minimal

plan to walk around high line park...thought about checking out the Brooklyn Botanical gardens which would be $10 a piece for me and my wife but i'm not sure how it would be in the winter
take wifey to go see the tree in rockefeller center (free)

highland park is great

ice skating in bryant park (14 each)
they're running the old subway cart on saturdays, maybe you'd like to see one.
Originally Posted by bAnkI3z

they're running the old subway cart on saturdays, maybe you'd like to see one.
so, it is just old subway carts running on certain lines??

has anyone been to the Brooklyn botanical gardens this time of year?? wished i could have went to the city Halloween weekend but it snowed...that would have been prime time to go there
I live in nyc but I would also like to know since I'm basically broke
Check out the vanderveer exhibit in Brooklyn. It's free and has received great reviews this year.
Thai food-JOYA in brooklyn-$20 to $30 for 2 people
Hanging out with wife-High line(WALK THE WHOLE THING THOUGH, YOU'LL ENJOY IT)
$1 dollar pizza's at Saint Marks from 2 bros
please check out queens bridge. the ppl there are so humble and welcoming
metropolitan museum --- they say a $16 admission but that's just the recommended amount.

i give em a dollar or two every time i go.
alexander mqueen exhibit (if still up) was @___@ @___@ @____@
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