FREE Palestine! END the Occupation! STOP the Bombings! EDIT: BEGIN THE BOYCOTTS! PLEASE READ

Son, do you know what the Oslo Accords are?

In 2000 Ehud Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state and he REFUSED!

Barak offered everything Arafat wanted INCLUDING the Muslim and Christian quarters of the Old City. God damn, dude read a %#%!%%# book!

People in Israel turned on Barak for offering that to Arafat. If Arafat would have accepted that plan by Barak he wouldve got assassinated like Yitzhak Rabin did for signing the Oslo Accords.
Again, I went through this a few pages ago. You can go check if you like. I have read many books on the situation. You're the one who soundslike you haven't. I'll even quote what I said a few pages ago since you seem to have selective memory.

Do you even know what the terms of the deal were?

Yes, they were to get 97% of the land, but do you understand the rest of the terms? Just in case you don't, I'll explain.

First off, by the end of the talks, Israel was going to keep about 6% of the West Bank. This included their larger settlements, and the newly constructed highways that led into them. To make up for this, Israel was going to give the Palestinians a part of Israel that was desert, and equated to about 3%. Now, what would the new Palestine look like?

It would have been three small territories that would have been completely seperated from one another, whether it be by Israeli fortifications, roads patrolled by the Israeli army, or fences that had, guess what? Checkpoints. This means that even if it were created, a citizen of the new Palestinian state could not maneuver around his homeland, from say, Nablus to Gaza City, without the permission of the Israelis.

Also, Israel wanted to keep 5 military bases in the Jordan Valley. They wanted to control the airspace above, the water below, and the coast that would have bordered the new nation.

To quote Richard Ben Cramer, "the Israelis proposed to continue their occupation, with a prettier name- Palestine."
There. You're obviously extremely closed minded and refuse to look at the situation from the other side.

No, it wasn't answered. What that chick posted said "everybody is entitled to FREEDOM", where do you associate FREEDOM = STATE? It isn't the same thing. Freedom is a Human Right a State is not.
Again, this was answered by more than one person. If you can't even make an attempt to see things from the other side then there really is nopoint in talking to you. Everything you have said in this thread has been completely one sided.
Try to sit at the table? Did you just totally ignore the past 60 years?
The more you read what some people are saying, the more you understand how little they know about what isgoing on; it really does give you an idea about who does not have one ounce of legitimacy in this thread. In the past 60 years, the two states that have beenrejectionists in the peace process are the United States and Israel; the Palestinians have made overwhelming concessions and are still ignored. This isn'teven disputed in serious academics. Any attempts at a "peace process" have been drawn up in the interests of Israel, and have not only done nothingto help the peace process but have further put the Palestinians in economic and political turmoil, including Oslo.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Admit it, you're just on whatever side the Republican handbook tells you to be on.

Unlike most people on NT when it comes to political and world issues... I'm actually educated on the topics.
That being said, you can have your Liberal view.... but unlike you I won't make any snide comments like the one you made

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Admit it, you're just on whatever side the Republican handbook tells you to be on.

Unlike most people on NT when it comes to political and world issues... I'm actually educated on the topics.
That being said, you can have your Liberal view.... but unlike you I won't make any snide comments like the one you made

Word ?

Because I doubt I've seen you make a contributive single post in here other than news articles or co-signing someone else, that or a one liner like theanti-semitic comment.
[h1]Gaza hospital overwhelmed by dead, wounded[/h1]
By IBRAHIM BARZAK and DIAA HADID, Associated Press Writers Ibrahim Barzak And Diaa Hadid, Associated Press Writers Mon Jan 5, 3:32 pm ET

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Wailing in grief, Salah Samouni banged his head against a wall inside the hospital morgue where the bodies of his three youngnephews lay on the floor Monday.

After 10 days of a relentless Israeli assault, Shifa Hospital, Gaza's largest, is overwhelmed. Bodies were crowded two to a morgue drawer, and some -like 3-year-old Issa, 4-year-old Mohammed and 5-year-old Ahmad - were on the floor.

Shifa's shabby halls echoed Monday with the sounds of people screaming and the wail of ambulance sirens. Many of the wounded were being treated inhallways by harried doctors and nurses running on little sleep. The hospital was powered by emergencygenerators after shelling damaged power lines.

Since Israel began a ground offensive Saturday, most of the dead and wounded arriving at Shifa arecivilians, as Israel's offensive shifts from airstrikes to artillery shelling and fighting close to densely populated areas.

Israel says it is targeting only the Hamas militants who control Gaza in an attempt to halt seven yearsof rocket fire at Israeli communities. But the 550 Palestinians who have been killed include at least 200 civilians, according to Dr. Moaiya Hassanein of theGaza Health Ministry.

On Monday, 20 children between the ages of 2 and 15 were killed, he said. Since the military offensive began Dec. 27, three Israeli civilians and twosoldiers have been killed.

Nurse Ahmad Abdul Salam, 34, red-eyed and smelling of sweat, his clothes stained with blood, said hecouldn't sleep. "When my shift ends, I help my colleagues. These are our brothers and friends who are being harmed," he said.

The hospital's most gruesome scene was in its morgue, where blood pooled on the floor and refrigerators meant to hold 35 bodies were crammed with 70,laid side-by-side in drawers.

Lying on a gray mat on the floor, the three Samouni brothers appeared baby-faced and almost as though they were asleep, except for a large bandage wrappedaround Issa's head.

The children's father was also killed in what relatives said was an Israeli strike on a house in eastern Gaza City where the family had fled to escapefighting nearby.

Relatives wept Monday and one man screamed for help for other family members he said were buried under the rubble of the house. "For God's sake,rescue them!" he pleaded.

No militants were seen at Shifa. Israel says its forces have killed dozens of Palestinian gunmen, but Hamas has not listed its casualties and it is unclearwhere militants are being treated or where their bodies were taken.

Shifa has been powered by generators since power completely cut out in Gaza City three days ago. Israel has not replenished Gaza's power station withindustrial fuel since fighting began, and airstrikes have badly damaged power lines.

U.N. health official Mahmoud Daher said the generators were meant only as an emergency backup and he feared they would break down with the constant use,imperiling some 70 people hooked up to lifesaving equipment.

Throughout the day, exhausted medics rushed in with the wounded and the bodies of the dead.

Mohammed Salman, 26, a volunteer medic washing blood from the inside of an ambulance, said he had treated people with horrific injuries, including headlesschildren and a woman whose stomach had been torn open.

The woman screamed, "Leave me and save my children," he said, and burst into tears.

Israeli aircraft have hit three ambulances in Gaza since the campaign began, killing seven medics,according to Gaza health officials.

A medical building owned by a relief organization not connected to Hamas was also bombed, said Daher. He said the building was destroyed, along with anambulance, three mobile clinics and donated medicines.

The Israeli army says it has no records of any of those strikes.

Raed Arini, a Shifa hospital official, said he has stopped filling out the space on death certificatesthat says "reason for death."

"The reason for death is the Israeli army," he said, as medics rushed in with more woundedpeople.


Associated Press writer Diaa Hadid reported from Jerusalem.

Unlike most people on NT when it comes to political and world issues... I'm actually educated on the topics.
That being said, you can have your Liberal view.... but unlike you I won't make any snide comments like the one you made

Snide comment number one.

Snide comment number two, while saying that you don't make snide comments.

Just saying.
Originally Posted by Tinchy Stryder

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

At that anti-Semitic gathering

At your Ignorant statement.
Please explain to him, as well as me, how that is ignorant? Hamas, as well as the rest of the Middle East, wants to wipe Israel off the face ofthe planet.
Originally Posted by Peja4Prez

people will be against Israel no matter what, Hamas was elected to serve as their government, a government that is recognized internationally as a terrorist organization and their leader is in exile.
The WHOLE WORLD is against Israel, unfortunately. America is their only ally. And as we (America) grow weaker, Israel will be in trouble. Markmy words, the world will be banging at Israel's gates very soon. We will see how it all goes down though...
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by Tinchy Stryder

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

At that anti-Semitic gathering

At your Ignorant statement.
Please explain to him, as well as me, how that is ignorant? Hamas, as well as the rest of the Middle East, wants to wipe Israel off the face of the planet.
1) Are NTers that are pro-Palestine considered Hamas now?

2) The hatred for Israel on the part of Hamas has all to do with the illegal occupation of their land and nothing to do with the Jewish religion.
can i see the proof of those companies giving their profits to Israel?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by Tinchy Stryder

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

At that anti-Semitic gathering

At your Ignorant statement.
Please explain to him, as well as me, how that is ignorant? Hamas, as well as the rest of the Middle East, wants to wipe Israel off the face of the planet.
1) Are NTers that are pro-Palestine considered Hamas now?

2) The hatred for Israel on the part of Hamas has all to do with the illegal occupation of their land and nothing to do with the Jewish religion.
Exactly what I was thinking. The occupiers just happen to be Jewish. They could have been Catholics, Muslims, Taoists...that's irrelevant towhat makes it WRONG.

According to webster, help;" id="wordclickDiv" class="wordclick" onmousemove=" = wordclick && wordclick.isEnabled() ? 'url(, help' : 'default';">
Main Entry: an·ti-Sem·i·tism [img][/img] Pronunciation: \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\ Function: noun Date: 1882
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

- an·ti-Se·mit·ic [img][/img] \-sə-ˈmi-tik\ adjective

- an·ti-Sem·ite [img][/img] \-ˈse-ˌmīt\ noun

It has nothing to do with being anti-zionism, anti-israel, or pro-Palestinian. Anti-semitic simply means that you hate jews.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by Tinchy Stryder

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

At that anti-Semitic gathering

At your Ignorant statement.
Please explain to him, as well as me, how that is ignorant? Hamas, as well as the rest of the Middle East, wants to wipe Israel off the face of the planet.
1) Are NTers that are pro-Palestine considered Hamas now?

2) The hatred for Israel on the part of Hamas has all to do with the illegal occupation of their land and nothing to do with the Jewish religion.
1) I think Daytona was referring to Hamas, not NTers.
2) Oh, woe is Hamas! They lose their land and believe firing rockets (at civilians, mind you) is going to help their situation. How would you respond ifpeople were firing rockets at your house for little or no reason, seeing as you're a civilian who had nothing to do with his forefather's actions? Would you truly give up your land? Palestinians could have had a homeland many years ago, but they are bull-headed and slow. Every time they get a deal, theydon't accept it, incite a fight, and lose. Then they are offered another deal. The cycle repeats itself.

And as for dude who said if you're anti-Bush, you're anti-Christian, that has to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. I have beenanti-Bush since 2003, before it became the latest "fad" to rag on Bush's stupidity and poor leadership. And still, I am Christian
What Israel supporters fail to realize is that extremists and groups like Hamas LOVE it when Israel uses violence as a means of resolving conflict. Israeliviolence only further provokes Hamas in responding with further attacks against Israel. Israel's aggression legitimizes Hamas' cause. It gives Hamasmore reason to justify any future attacks against Israelis. This entire Israeli offensive is counter-productive because while it may enhance Israeli securityin the short-run, it breeds more Arab hatred which may be devastating to Israeli security in the long-run. Also, had Israel not retaliated in the manner thatthey have, would Hamas have continued to launch these 30-60 rockets on a daily basis? I'm not justifying Hamas' actions by any means but what Israel isdoing defies any logic. Look at Sharon's policies as PM of Israel. Near the end of his tenure as PM he realized that his hard-line approach was simply noteffective in repelling terrorist threats within Israel.
2) Oh, woe is Hamas! They lose their land and believe firing rockets (at civilians, mind you) is going to help their situation. How would you respond if people were firing rockets at your house for little or no reason, seeing as you're a civilian who had nothing to do with his forefather's actions? Would you truly give up your land? Palestinians could have had a homeland many years ago, but they are bull-headed and slow. Every time they get a deal, they don't accept it, incite a fight, and lose. Then they are offered another deal. The cycle repeats itself.
1) The death toll for Israelis is still less than 10, unless I'm wrong.

2) How would you respond if another country was not allowing goods to come into your country, and the people of your country were starving?

Read the article I quoted a few pages earlier.

This rationale that continues to get brought up of the Israeli attack just being a logical response is completely flawed on so many levels, but it has beenaddressed so many times already in this thread I really don't have the patience to post it again.

Read the thread please.
Just because the death toll is low means that the Israeli's should just grin And bear it? I don't think so. And if I was in the situation that youbrought up, the LAST thing I would do is shoot rockets at a country that could obliterate me at any moment.
why do you people patronize these idiot zionist NTers? why bother to argue? they hate arabs

i'll sum it up for you:

jews hate arabs and want to destroy the arab world

the u.s. wants to destroy the arab world

the world in general hates arabs

western media is biased towards jews and teach us that arabs & muslims are all terrorists "them thar a-rab terrorists" (every media outlet iscontrolled by jewish people)

jews will bring up the "holocaust" or "anti semitism" to justify doing whatever they please

/ thread

Israel is no different or better than the terrorists which it claims to be fighting.

israel are terrorists
Israel's government, its policy & the people that support it are a vile, disgusting and humanity-eroding bunch. Wiping out entire families in order tosend a message to the person being targeted is something that is beyond the scope of war. It's whats the world has come to expect from these life-suckingvampires. Israel's rigorously planned diplomatic offensive focuses on the 20 Israelis killed in eight years, not the 1,700Palestinians killed in three. There is no such thing as collateral damage, because it subjugates an entire people, culture and society. It's agradual erosion of life & culture that has taken place in throughout Gaza/Palestine in retribution/vengeance for nothing, but a handful of peoplewho've been affected in Israel. Israel is no different or better than the terrorists which it claims to be fighting. They're fighting more than justterrorists, they're fighting an entire people and slowly, but surely making their life, culture and will to live obsolete. It's a sociopathicindifference to death of Palestinians.

"Those who favor the attack on Gaza due to that calculus are certainly misguided about the likely outcome. And many war supporters who fall into this morebenign category are guilty of insufficiently weighing the deaths of Palestinian innocents and, relatedly, of such overwhelming emotional and culturalattachment to Israel and Israelis that they long ago ceased viewing this conflict with any remnant of objectivity. " -- Glenn Greenwald
The IDF are the new Nazi's

Real Talk.

nah you guys are right people on NT aren't anti-Semitic

what a stupid stupid thing to say, you should be ashamed for saying that.
Please watch occupation 101, and get your facts straight. It's not about Jews and Muslims... stop. It's about freedom to live in your land withoutoccupation, unjust sanctions, and conditions unbearable to any standards of living. Psychologists ran a study on Palestinian children and found that most ofthem do not even have a will to live anymore. How would you like it if a bulldozer came and mucked down your house whether you were in it or not and said''so-and-so'' gave this property to me?

What the Israelis are doing to Palestinians is an injustice to humanity. We must end this now, we cannot let it go on.

Heaviest fighting in Israel's war on Hamas rages in Gaza City where troops and militants clash.
why do you people patronize these idiot zionist NTers? why bother to argue? they hate arabs

i'll sum it up for you:

jews hate arabs and want to destroy the arab world

the u.s. wants to destroy the arab world

the world in general hates arabs

western media is biased towards jews and teach us that arabs & muslims are all terrorists "them thar a-rab terrorists" (every media outlet is controlled by jewish people)

jews will bring up the "holocaust" or "anti semitism" to justify doing whatever they please

/ thread

Israel is no different or better than the terrorists which it claims to be fighting.

israel are terrorists

Given comments and beliefs like this, it really is no wonder people in the world are constantly fighting (and no I'm not Jewish).
Gotta love you kill the Zionist pigs on NT. Blame the Jews, after all everything is their fault. All the instability in the Mideast, yeah the Jews fault.
Originally Posted by solefob

Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

Originally Posted by Praise The X I









If this is true, im heading out there right now to support them.

The real terrorism is from the rocket firing from Gaza.

What do you expect them to do? Disregard the rockets, and call it a day...

You try living under occupation for over 40 years with no rights, no control over your future, and no hope and see what kind of actions you would be taking against that occupying force.
Don't compare homemade crude rockets against one of the most powerful militaries in the world using all their might indiscriminately into densely populated cities in Gaza.
Also, its not about being anti-jew cuz we're not, its about believing in whats right, just, and fair and thats for the Palestinians to be in control of their own land.
The rest of the world is on our side, its only through the protection of the United States that allows Israel to go on and do whatever it wants.

Just remember how this country was founded and what steps they took to gain their independence.

Wars are started, lands are exchanged, to the victor goes the spoils.

Just because a rocket is "homemade" doesnt make it any less dangerous than any other weapon that is made for one reason, death.

Timothy McVey anyone?

I try to be as sensitive towards other opinions as possible.

But the truth is contagious.

Kobe Fan if you haven't read the many articles and posts in this thread before, then you should go ahead and do that before you formulate your stance on the conflict.

I know what the situation is, there are rockets being shot out of Gaza into Israel. Gaza is controlled by Hamas who basically states that Israel has no rightbeing a country. I personally do not care for either countries, but its common sense that if someone is attacking, they should know there is a consequencethat will follow.

Hamas are the evil ones that are planning attacks out of densely populated areas, seems like they dont care about their own people.
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