Fresh Prince of Bel Air 5's?

if im not mistaken, there was this one time where the rvsp tweet didnt happen on thursday, Nike tweeted that they will tweet the rsvp the next day,friday. maybe they pull another stunt like this today

I'm the last one in the office. Even the Attorneys left before I did.
if im not mistaken, there was this one time where the rvsp tweet didnt happen on thursday, Nike tweeted that they will tweet the rsvp the next day,friday. maybe they pull another stunt like this today
Happened with the Yeezy Plats as well
Since they do all stores rsvp simultaneously now and all use the same hashtag, it must be controlled by someone in corporate and not in the stores. Probably just trolling on purpose.
"LMAO! The Crack heads...*cough*...I mean "sneakerheads" are getting restless...[emoji]128563[/emoji]"

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And my battery almost on E and im not home nore have a charger or anywhere to charge it
"LMAO! The Crack heads...*cough*...I mean "sneakerheads" are getting restless...[emoji]128563[/emoji]"

this release has been a mess for me so far.  DTLR gave me (and half of Charlotte) the run around for 2 days.  They even took their phone off the hook to avoid the infamous "when them tix dropping" question.  I went today at 12:15p...."nah, not yet".  Called back at 2p..."oh we gave em out at 12:30!!  What the F.  Guaranteed pair gone just like that
they're gonna throw the link up at 7:30 just to coincide with "pulled up to the house at about 7 or 8" and have it in the middle
Nike must be waiting for everyone on the west coast to get home, do all stores at once
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