From Starbucks to Hashtags: Why White Americans Call the Police on Black People

i said something similar to this on nt and was told im a bigot for wanting to see them identified and ostracized

I hope they keep that same energy when dudes are out here being accused of false rape and want to protect the accuser identity.

These bigots be putting people in life or death situations when the pigs arrive :smh:
Must be a day ending in d-a-y

Police called on black college students campaigning for congressional candidate


Political door knocking is legal and protected; however, someone called the police on two black men who were campaigning for Congressional candidate David Kim.

Eli Sabur is a student at Morehouse College in southwest Atlanta. He works for David Kim’s Congressional District 7 campaign canvassing neighborhoods. Sabur has been canvassing for years and he says last week things took a turn for the worst.

A video of the incident has gone viral and Sabur says this nothing new.

Dave Kim issued the following statement in regards to the incident:

When I repeatedly hear of incidents like this, it deeply saddens me that this has become a running commentary of my campaign. I understand why every parent of a child of color must have "the talk" and worry about all our team members out in the field.

The statement went on to say he's relieved the officers were friendly and that this regrettable incident didn't escalate into something worse.

As for Sabur, he says he not going to let this incident prevent him from helping the campaign.
“Couldn’t have just done that at home or something? I don’t want to HAVE to see it’l

-white people
Minnesota Helps 13-Year-Old Boy Keep His Hot Dog Business Instead of Shutting Him Down

Instead of shutting down a teen's hot dog stand, the city helped him make his business official. (KTRK)

MINNEAPOLIS -- A 13-year-old entrepreneur who was reported for operating a hot dog stand without a license is still in business, thanks to Minnesota officials who could have shut him down.

Jaequan Faulkner has been selling hot dogs outside of his home since 2016. He runs Mr. Faulkner's Old Fashioned Hot Dogs.

The Minnesota Department of Health received a complaint this summer about the hot dog stand, which was not permitted.

But instead of shutting down Jaequan's operation, officials worked with him to keep the stand open. Health inspectors even pitched in to pay for the $87 permit, Minnesota Public Radio reported.

"We helped Quan become permitted and went through some food safety techniques and procedures with him so he could operate legally and safely," said Minneapolis Health Department supervisor Ryan Krick.

Jaequan's stand is operating legally, and business has been good. It's so good, he's able to pay himself and multiple family members.

"I pay me and my uncle and my cousin. But before I do any of that, I pay tax. It's not about the money. It's something I enjoy doing," Faulkner told WCCO.

The teen now works four-hour days, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and spends his free time "thinking about what's next." Maybe a food cart, so he can take his operation on the road.

Jaequan said he's also thinking about donating some of earnings to charities that help people with depression.
The White lady had the nerve to say we’re going to build the wall to the Black lady :lol: The ratchet chick should have decked her for being nosey and racist :rofl:
A lot of Whites don't want non-Whites around. And it's not always goofy republicans. A lot of White Liberals don't want diversity where they live. They see non-Whites in their neighborhoods, they think they're stealing, they think they're going to lower their property taxes, etc. The biggest gentrifiers are White liberals. They fear what they don't know, they're nosey, they question your presence. Thank god for phone cameras tho. Now you can record these sumbitches and give them a spotlight.
Dollar General cashier calls police on black woman trying to use store coupons

Dollar General is conducting an investigation after a cashier called the police on a black customer using store coupons, accusing her of “trying to take advantage of the system.”

On Wednesday, teacher Madonna Wilburn of Buffalo, New York was trying to purchase $30 worth of groceries with digital coupons when the clerk, whom she identified as manager Ken Dudek, got frustrated. Wilburn captured the tense exchange in a Facebook video with 1.7K shares and more than 1,600 comments. " data-reactid="32" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">On Wednesday, teacher Madonna Wilburn of Buffalo, New York was trying to purchase $30 worth of groceries with digital coupons when the clerk, whom she identified as manager Ken Dudek, got frustrated. Wilburn captured the tense exchange in a Facebook video with 1.7K shares and more than 1,600 comments.
Woman Dies Days After Giving Birth As Medics Assumed She Can't Afford Ambulance Ride, Mom Claims

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July 27, 2018 12:52 AM
A mother of three from Florida died days after experiencing a stroke, and the four paramedics who arrived on scene have now been suspended after an investigation revealed they mishandled the response, PEOPLE confirms.

In the early morning hours of July 4, Nicole Black found her daughter, 30-year-old Crystle Galloway, unresponsive in a bathtub just six days after she had given birth to a son via cesarean. When Galloway regained consciousness a short time later and complained about her head, Black quickly called emergency services and explained that her daughter was breathing but was “drooling from the mouth,” she told the Tampa Bay Times.

But when Hillsborough County Fire Rescue officials arrived, Black claims that instead of providing immediate treatment, they questioned whether the family could afford the ambulance ride to the hospital — an account that the medics dispute.

“My daughter begged for her life,” she said. “The only thing they were worried about was my daughter had a new baby and she couldn’t afford an ambulance.”

After the medics carried Galloway down three flights, Black claims they continued to spend time talking about the cost of the ambulance. Black told ABC Action News that she then decided to transport her daughter herself.


Nicole Black and her grandchildren
“The whole conversation as the EMS drivers put my child in my car was that [it] was best for us because we couldn’t afford an ambulance,” she told the news station. “My daughter begged for her life, she begged!”

Once at Brandon Regional Hospital, scans revealed Galloway’s brain was bleeding, and she was then airlifted to Tampa General Hospital. She fell into a coma and passed away on July 9, just days before her 31st birthday.

But statements from the paramedics contradict Black’s account, according to the Times, and they say she voluntarily offered to take her daughter to the hospital and only requested their help to move her downstairs after she spoke with two sheriff’s deputies who first arrived on the scene.

In a statement sent to PEOPLE by the Hillsborough County Fire Rescue, Lt. John “Mike” Morris said the medics would have transported Galloway had her condition seemed “critical” when they arrived.

“If the daughter presented that she was critical,” Lt. Morris explained, “I’m certain our crew would have highly advised that the daughter be transported by EMS.”


Crystle Galloway/Facebook
An investigation into the conduct of the medics was launched days after the incident, and Hillsborough County Administrator Mike Merrill told reporters during a press conference on Monday that while the medics “did a lot of things wrong,” they found no evidence that the medics engaged in any conversation about ambulance cost with Black.

“There were discussions between the mother and the deputies concerning cost, primarily driven by questions from the mother, which may have led to her conclusion or statements that she wanted to transport her daughter,” Merrill said. “My guys did a lot of things wrong here, and we take responsibility. From the record I have, that’s not one of the things they did wrong.”

But the county’s investigation into the matter found that Morris and three other medics were in “gross neglect of duty” after they failed to properly check Galloway’s vital signs, they said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE.

RELATED VIDEO: California Parents Heartbroken After Daughter Dies Following a Routine Dental Procedure


The inquiry also found the medics failed to have either of the women sign an informed consent document that showed they declined transportation. Not only that, they submitted paperwork claiming they could not find Galloway when responding to the call.

In a statement to PEOPLE, the department confirmed that the responding medics — Lt. Morris, 36; Fire Medic Justin Sweeney, 36; Fire Medic Andrew J. Martin, 28; and Acting Lt. Cortney Barton, 38 — have all been suspended with pay.

“Based on the facts and statements obtained during the review of this incident by Human Resources, the information indicates that the four Fire Rescue personnel did not perform their duties,” the statement reads. “The review indicates several Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Standard Operating Procedures were violated during this incident.”

The employment status of the medics will be determined in a disciplinary hearing on Tuesday, July 31, Merrill adds.

According to the Times, the Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office cleared the two sheriff’s who initially arrived on the scene of any violation of policy.

RELATED: Paramedics Allegedly Took Selfies With Unconscious Patients as Part of ‘Selfie War’ Contest

Black recently set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help her provide for her two granddaughters, ages 13 and 7, and her newborn grandson.

“You know that this is a nightmare for me,” she wrote on the page. “I buried my daughter.”

Strokes following a pregnancy are not entirely uncommon, as a 2008 study found that pregnant women who have a cesarean section may be more likely to experience a stroke in the year following their delivery than women who give birth vaginally, Reuters reports.

While the accounts of that July 4 morning may differ, Black’s pain remains irrefutable.

“She’s 30 years old and just graduated from college, she had her whole life ahead of her,” Black told ABC Actions News of her daughter. “You can tell me you’re sorry, you can give me your condolences but you still have to work this out with God.”
White Food Cart Owner Accused of Calling the Police on Black Customer For Waiting to Place an Order


A Portland food cart owner may have lost several potential customers after a social media post accused him of racially discriminated against a buyer on Wednesday.

Kevin Raysor was forced to leave a food cart and had the police called on him for “loitering.” His friend Jason Keebler shared his friend’s horrible experience with the “Chicken and Guns” cart co-owner, Dustin Knox, on Facebook.

Raysor said he “was asked to leave for no reason.” Knox accused the man of being “homeless and loitering” and then waved an officer down to escort the customer from the site, the Eater reported.
Black Smith College student was eating her lunch when an employee called police


The rising sophomore at Smith College was quietly eating her lunch in a campus common room when a police officer approached her Tuesday afternoon.

A college employee had called police to report someone who “seemed out of place” in a Smith building that was being used for a summer program. But when campus police arrived, they found a Smith student, taking a break from her campus job.

There was “nothing suspicious about the student’s presence,” the school said in a statement released Wednesday about the incident, the latest example of police being called to investigate black people in everyday situations.

In two posts to Facebook on Tuesday, the woman identified herself as the student in question. She wrote that a white college employee had reported her to the police as a “suspicious black male.”
Somebody should have called the cops on her dirty *** for being barefoot.

In the rain. In ****ing BROOKLYN.
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