FRUITVALE STATION starring Michael B. Jordan -- The Life of Oscar Grant

But anyways, really lookiing forward to this, it's been getting GREAT reviews, possible Oscar considerations. I saw one clip on like the View with him talking to his little girl, man they killed that scene.
Saw it as they're screening it in my area (South L.A, Baldwin Hills in case y'all wanna make the trek down here).

I must say, and this is no exaggeration of any kind, that this is easily the movie of the year. Michael B. Jordan fully immersed himself in this role. One thing that I can definitely appreciate about this film is that there wasn't any cinematic fluff to make Oscar Grant a perfect, innocent person. He had flaws like the rest of us. He made mistakes like the rest of us and he was bound and determined to correct said mistakes.

Fantastic job done by every actor that had some type of significant role. From his mother, to his girlfriend and daughter to his boys. Everyone did a great job.

I urge you guys to go see this movie. Learn about this story and understand the weight that his tale has on our minority community. One thing that has made me sad was when I asked my friends about the actual incident, no one knew what I was talking about. Educate yourselves.
Going to have to check this out.

Also, just saw that Jordan is lined up to play the grandson of Apollo Creed in a new Rocky movie.
Movie was great

The acting was really good.

A lot of older white people in the theater.

Movie is really sad, people were crying at the end of the movie.
just came back from seeing the movie...not one dry eye in the theater. the acting was great and it was one of the best movies ive ever seen.
RIP lil bruh 
great film and even better timing. you couldn't have planned a better weekend to premiere. everyone in the theater was weeping for 10 mins after the credits.
I knew Oscar in the 7th and 8th grade. Played on the same football/basketball teams in middle school. The story hit a lot of people HARD in the bay area. I really thought this was a national story, but it sounds like it wasn't. I'm glad the story is getting out, I really can't wait to see it.
I knew Oscar in the 7th and 8th grade. Played on the same football/basketball teams in middle school. The story hit a lot of people HARD in the bay area. I really thought this was a national story, but it sounds like it wasn't. I'm glad the story is getting out, I really can't wait to see it.

It was....well at worst regional. We down here in So. Cal heard about it and was heavy in the media for a minute.
im in texas and never knew about the story until now. i knew it was based on a true story but didnt bother going online to research it. wanted to see the movie first. might see it again next weekend.
From the first trailer, I was very interested in seeing this. Even though it's a true story, sadly this is the first time I'm hearing about this incident.

Like somebody else mentioned, the movie really is perfect timing :lol:
Man my dude Michael is the next great actor. This movie is so real and touching. I could hear so many people was sniffing at the end. Go see it fellas dope movie.
Man my dude Michael is the next great actor. This movie is so real and touching. I could hear so many people was sniffing at the end. Go see it fellas dope movie.

I'm glad to see he hasn't been accepting any cornball roles in movies. Every character he has played in his career has been solid
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