FSU QB Released Vol. Don't Put Your Hands ON Me

He shoulda hit her with a 3 peice and got his money worth

I dont condone hitting women but i didnt see a woman in that video.

Chick was a thug. Animal.

Cant even walk into a spot and getta beer :smh:
Currently attend FSU...


This just looked like a stupid, drunk situation overall.

Both parties wildin' :smh:
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Man please. They probably started a gofundme on her behalf to assist with the emotional and physical trauma.
probably so 

they always get rewarded for harming a black person.......hell dylan roof sister got some paper because her brother "ruined her wedding" 
....probably would've gotten more than 1500 if it didn't blow up in the media which caused the page to be shut down 

Dylan commissary is probably on big meech levels....unlimited honey buns
Josh Jarboe got kicked off of Oklahoma for a tame lunchroom 30second freestyle.

They can do whatever.

Lol. Never heard of this situation but I just looked it up. Dude was garbage with the flow. What's crazy is they kicked him out over some gangster lyrics but I bet they'll pay Gucci mane or Rick Ross to perform the same type of music at the school.

I swear this country/life is so weird sometimes.

Speaking of Rick Ross, I found it odd how reebok dropped him over the molly line, as if they weren't aware that he's a gangster rapper and glorifies all types of debauchery. Talk about killing people? That's cool. Rap about slanging drugs and poisoning communities? You good. Slip molly in her champagne and she o.e.n.o it? Nah B. You gotta go.

What was the line he said right before it though? (I'd die over these reeboks, you aint even know it)
I'm glad the whole DeAndre Jordan debacle happen to get this out the news. All I heard were dumb comments from sports radio host.
After watching the full video, yea this guys attorney is gonna feast. I really think FSU acted hastily and it may come back and bite them.

While I don't think I would've punched her and most likely walked away, she still assaulted him first and instigated the situation
It's pretty one sided. Normally they go to both parties and ask if they want to press charges. Being that they both hit each other they both could have been charged. Normally neither chooses to prosecute, because both were at fault. This isn't domestic violence where you get charged regardless.

It shouldn't be based around who hit who harder.

Not saying what he didn't wasn't right, but it seems like dude is being punished for Jameis and the reputation of the DA and Florida State nationally and not what he actually did.
It's pretty one sided. Normally they go to both parties and ask if they want to press charges. Being that they both hit each other they both could have been charged. Normally neither chooses to prosecute, because both were at fault. This isn't domestic violence where you get charged regardless.

It shouldn't be based around who hit who harder.

Not saying what he didn't wasn't right, but it seems like dude is being punished for Jameis and the reputation of the DA and Florida State nationally and not what he actually did.
In public perception, it'll definitely be based around how hard he hit her. Like he gave her the snookie. But in court, that shouldn't matter, I agree. This should basically be treated as a bar fight and there shouldn't be any legal charges
After watching the full video, yea this guys attorney is gonna feast. I really think FSU acted hastily and it may come back and bite them.

While I don't think I would've punched her and most likely walked away, she still assaulted him first and instigated the situation

Keep in mind schools=/= law. He probably will (and should) be cleared of any sort of criminal legal prosecution. Schools can kick kids out for damn near anything. I'm sure there are no less than a half dozen scholarship provisions/school rules he broke by this incident. He's not gonna get any sort of payday from FSU from this. Hopefully another school picks him up, and it doesn't affect his career too much
There are ways to dissolve the situation without him having to throw hands. It's not like this chick is going to knock him out or present any danger to him. Just leave. Your dignity isn't worth a lost scholarship.

Can't believe folks condone this at all.
After watching the full video, yea this guys attorney is gonna feast. I really think FSU acted hastily and it may come back and bite them.

Feast on what? All he did was get kicked off the team, the coach could kick you off for missing a practice :lol:

This isn't t the NFL there's no players association
There are ways to dissolve the situation without him having to throw hands. It's not like this chick is going to knock him out or present any danger to him. Just leave. Your dignity isn't worth a lost scholarship.

Can't believe folks condone this at all.

Dissolving the situation works on both sides.

And I doubt a knee to the nuts felt good.
Chick would have to swing a bottle or something dangerous for me to punch her like that :lol:

Usually when random girls swing it be more funny then anything

them drunk slow *** swings ...reminds me of older people who are combative
What positive outcome could have came from hitting her?

You're in a bar

Some people don't follow the rule of not hitting females. Some believe if you hit me, I'm allowed to hit you back.

And they aren't going to care about force. She learned that the hard way. That's why everyone needs to keep their hands to themselves.

I bet you she will never hit a guy again.
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He's still kicked off the team. So was it worth it on his end? People need to realize some things ain't worth the consequences.
Both were in the wrong, and both learned the hard way.

He's the one with a black mark on him and who was paraded all around TV like he was Ray Rice though.
he'll play somewhere else.....he'll probably have to do a year in juco but he'll end up at another division 1 school 
You're in a bar

Some people don't follow the rule of not hitting females. Some believe if you hit me, I'm allowed to hit you back.

And they aren't going to care about force. She learned that the hard way. That's why everyone needs to keep their hands to themselves.

I bet you she will never hit a guy again.

I agree. They needed more restraint.
It will be harder for him to end up at a good program. Schools will be less likely to take him, because of how Alabama and Saban got burned by Johnathan Taylor. The SEC now has a rule they won't accept a student who was kicked off for disciplinary reasons. That will probably start becoming more common.

And because of how big of a public spectacle this was coaches aren't going to want to take that heat.
You're in a bar

Some people don't follow the rule of not hitting females. Some believe if you hit me, I'm allowed to hit you back.

And they aren't going to care about force. She learned that the hard way. That's why everyone needs to keep their hands to themselves.

I bet you she will never hit a guy again.
How much you wanna bet? 
  • This woman is at least 18.. In order to walk out into public places and think it is okay to fight people you either A) were raised in an abusive or neglectful household or B) have gotten away with behavior like this over the course of many years. Or both.
  • The woman is caucasian with light colored hair probably blonde and attending a higher education institution. This tells me she is likely to have been coddled and protected for much of her life. Her spoiled behavior of blocking him from the bar reinforces this theory.
  • her weight makes it clear that she has limited self control and succumbs to natural urges like eating or punching someone pretty easily.
  • Her sloppy (loose-fitting) tank top with the bra strap out not only looks like attire she is comfortable in for full range of motion and activity in warm weather but also suggests that she has poor body image and little concern for her appearance, well being, and how she is perceived by others... everyone already knows shes a *****.
  • Her hateful speech means if she marries at all she will likely marry a southern white male.. one who is not one of the top draft picks of southern gentlemen. He will either be frail to put up with her tantrums and verbal abuse, or bigger to handle her extra weight. Either way there will be domestic disputes that mirror the ones she witnessed growing up in her household.
  • The width of her gaping mouth as she yells tells me that she has a fairly sturdy chin that does not back down from fist or the D (or the QB).
    • willingness to take D to the face indicates that she enjoys being dominated to an extent (daddy issues) but lacks attention from men so she will act out to provoke them as a thrill
She will hit a man again. No lesson was learned. I'll bet bred 1s or Pinnacle 1s. whatchu got?
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