The lord of the salt still poking his head in here? Begone usurper. Hide your head until the stories of our Grace Jon Snow return to the small screen.

Word of advice to the new recruits of the Pops Watch, pledge loyalty to only the lines of pops that honor your house, avoid the temptation of purchasing due to hype, greed or financial gain, collect for personal fulfillment not monetary, no matter the cost, always acquire the newest iteration of the pop that honors the one true King in the north Jon Snow and never forget to bend the knee to him.

Follow this simple pledge and your journey through the funko kingdom will be a joyous one.
Holo Leia? Son I need Qui and Emperor, I gotta have all the Holo SWs pops [emoji]128514[/emoji]
The lord of the salt still poking his head in here? Begone usurper. Hide your head until the stories of our Grace Jon Snow return to the small screen.

Word of advice to the new recruits of the Pops Watch, pledge loyalty to only the lines of pops that honor your house, avoid the temptation of purchasing due to hype, greed or financial gain, collect for personal fulfillment not monetary, no matter the cost, always acquire the newest iteration of the pop that honors the one true King in the north Jon Snow and never forget to bend the knee to him.

Follow this simple pledge and your journey through the funko kingdom will be a joyous one.

All of this
I guess we can assume it will be from mugs, to salt shakers to shirts, hats, pops, dorbz, plush
had a bad week with my grandma being in the hospital but had some good hauls from this morning.

and these were my grabs for the week. did some damage with getting all the walgreen's exclusives for $8 a piece and then all the chases for retail besides meeseeks
^^^^^^ Those R&M chases
. Positive vibes for your grandma as well.
thanks bro
Thanks guys for the love. She's good, just had an issue during routine surgery that screwed things up.

What's everyone looking forward to copping soon? For me, it's personal walmart/target spidey and then knocking some old stuff of my want list
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