I see, it was the release date. I need to check the stance of her I guess. I swear it is the old one.
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I wish I kept track of how much I've paid compared to how much my stuff is worth. but it's all good, I definitely know at the very most I've paid half of PPG. 
Yeah I trip out when I see people post that and they got like 2-3 times the amount of pops that i do and are just a little more than half the value :lol:
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my comic collection is definitely way crazier than my pop collection but I'd love to have them even out at some point lol. I can't wait till I finally lay out my plans for my extra room at my place once I'm done traveling. the goal (with a few exceptions of course) is to display a bunch of pops with their first appearance in comics/media. I've been tracking down an original gremlins VHS for my gizmo lol.
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Better man than me. Would've copped and ran.


I believe in karma lol. and I definitely try to help when I can. put out good energy and receive it back eventually, not immediately. if it were a chain store or something I would've copped it. but the owner is a friend of mines that has had the shop for 40 years and I've been buying from him for 15 out of the 21 years I've been alive. I'd rather see him come up compared to a reseller or someone that doesn't respect the culture. 

not saying that this is all related, but like this weekend I got a $120 book from him and VIP pass for Stan Lee from my other friend for free. and I'm also getting a free set of 4 day plus preview night passes for SDCC from him. maintaining friendships > $60 comeup on a beat dark phoenix pop. 
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