Not sure if its just me, but this years NYCC seems a bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably going to go for about 10-13 pieces. But wouldn't be too upset if I miss out on 8-9 of them. Only must for me is Black Chrome Batman, Scrooge and both Dragonzord. Does anyone know the procedure for Toy Tokyo? I know they're not selling online, but what about at the booth?

Only thing interested in is Geoffery the Giraffe. With Toy'R'Us filing bankruptcy, I need it for nostalgic purposes.
^ my man, one of the most surprising scenes in the series

I literally had no idea what was about to happen *spoiler removed

EDIT: I removed it but it’s been YEARS, bro LOL
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Not sure if its just me, but this years NYCC seems a bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably going to go for about 10-13 pieces. But wouldn't be too upset if I miss out on 8-9 of them. Only must for me is Black Chrome Batman, Scrooge and both Dragonzord. Does anyone know the procedure for Toy Tokyo? I know they're not selling online, but what about at the booth?

Thanks for the checklist.
1. NYC Freddy
2. Dragonzord
3. Gold Dragonzord
4. Green Ranger
5. Donald
6. Goofy
7. Eleven
I'm about to be that a hole. But a spoiler stops after 2weeks/month certainly 3/4 years lmao.

Oath and duty > self satisfaction.
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