I copped one yesterday when monitor went off, but since then my monitor will not stop chirping and I turned them all off.

HT a tough site to monitor lol
Won’t be able to get my green ranger until tomorrow. And just waiting on shipping for my zords.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard... the variant of the pop is still the same thing... it's like they searching for a way to add nonexsistent value to these.... if it was a different variant okay cool... but it's the same damn pop.
I just changed my shredder last night too... swapped the sticker cause the comic con box was beat smh...
Yeah they're going to separate them between "Shared Exclusive" and "Con Exclusive" lol.

There was a post about it in here the other day.
I guess it's "more value" because you have to "go to the con" to get the pop with the con sticker lol
Added to the fact you can buy a bunch of wack trash pops on eBay that have the nycc sticker take them to gamestop or HT and get credit for them because your gonna buy pops from those stores regardless and then bam you have your "nycc" exclusive...

Krombopalus Mike is just sitting around waiting to get his sticker taken off.
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