Yeah that's my feeling as well. Almost done collecting comics as well, don't know what else I'm gonna pick up

1/6th figures

RIP bro :lol:

Honestly if I didn't start off and still collect Hottoys I'd be dropping major cash on pops, I just like collecting things period, a bit of a hoarder I guess...but if I had 400$ to blow I much rather drop that on a dope 1/6th figure rather than a bobblehead :frown:

Thankfully I've built a solid top 10 value wise without spending 1/8th of their aftermarket value.
Iono about more wolverine, maybe the female wolverine.

But I need the complete set of X-men and some Inhumans
Lol there is 35 there...
Entering Deadpool/Batman status if not more.

Although I'm not sure how many are customs.
Yeah that's my feeling as well. Almost done collecting comics as well, don't know what else I'm gonna pick up
1/6th figures

RIP bro

Honestly if I didn't start off and still collect Hottoys I'd be dropping major cash on pops, I just like collecting things period, a bit of a hoarder I guess...but if I had 400$ to blow I much rather drop that on a dope 1/6th figure rather than a bobblehead

Thankfully I've built a solid top 10 value wise without spending 1/8th of their aftermarket value.
need your help on the 1/8th aftermarket value lol.

I've done good but not that good.

there's been a few hot toys that have caught my eyes, i'm really hoping a spidey one from homecoming will be dropping. thinking about grabbing the knightmare batman.
Off topic anyone ever collect bearbricks?

I used to want to get into them specifically the 400% and 1000% sizes but I was always hesitant becasue of prices.

Irony, back then I would struggle with wanting to pay $100+ for the 400% bearbrcks and now I don't blink at paying that for a pop I want lol

anyways looking on ebay I didn't realize my KAWS dissected one had gone up so much! It's currently at lik $600-$1k on ebay
I'm about to throw it up and sell it for pop money
That or trade it for some high $ ones off my 30 for 30

This is the one i have

the auciton i took the above pic from has it at $1099 and i seen one with scratches no box posted for $500 and 5 watchers
I'm cashing it out lol
 I have all 3 of the Kaws dissected, I always liked Bearbricks but was not a collector of them (mostly because of the price). I'm a huge Kaws fan and bought them as a consolation since the actual Kaws figures were too rich for my blood, can't imagine what those are going for now.
For everyone I made deals with, please be patient. I will be able to ship out tomorrow morning first thing. It was my girlfriends birthday last night and my head is about to explode I'm so hungover [emoji]129301[/emoji] I'm so late to the office [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Preordered Batgirl. I have 12 items on backorder at Entertainment Earth from preordering. :lol:
So those Halloween Peanuts pops will be Walgreens exclusives.

No they're Walgreens exclusive first to market. Meaning they got them first but they'll be released at a later time to other retailers.

$35 not worth it for that Buu lol

And as far as spending money on old pops, I can see where hennessy hennessy is coming from but that's a one sided way of looking at it because how it sounds, he's looking at it from a completely monetary POV. Like if my pops drop in value I'm ok with that. I got into pops a year ago because of Star Wars. I like them. Is it cool they're worth something? yeah but that's just a bonus.

Henny looking at it from a straight reseller side. Sure the bubble might burst but if you're doing it because you like the way they look in your display or office or room, value is unimportant. That's just my $0.02.

That's why I made my 30 for 30 list because these are the pops I want to have in my collection because they're cool to me. My top 9 for example. Unless there's an emergency I don't see myself selling those.
I entered a raffle just now. 15% chance of winning if its truly random. Please #RaffleGawds, send me good vibes :rofl:
^But is it REALLY worth it to pay 1000% (or more) percent mark up on a piece of plastic? If you got a rare piece the first time around, cool. If you missed out but want it now, is REALLY worth it? Up to the individual. Don't get me wrong. I'm not 100% in this for reselling. I bought them because I liked them and saw the opportunity to finance my purchases through reselling. As far as I've seen, I'm one of the few in here that actually displays all my pops. I've spent $100+ on a pop before too but the vast majority of my purchases have been retail and 99% below $50.

I'm talking about playing catch up with a list of 30 very expensive grails. And you plan to keep them forever which seems like an exercise in futility to me because eventually they will be worthless. I want you to accomplish your list but what happens when you do? There's just gonna be more pops you want. You'll never be satisfied :rofl: You'll have more grails. Then the fad bottoms out and you're like, "WTF did I spend thousands on these for?"

To be clear, I'm not shading you or anyone who is spending a lot of money on old grails, I love the pickup posts. I'm just offering a certain perspective because whether we admit it to ourselves or not we are all caught up in the pop hype right now. It can be blinding.
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you playing on IG?
I found a group on FB. I'm new to this and have always been kinda anti-raffle but I poked around and everything seems to check out. Could be wrong. But I only joined because the winner's selection had THREE of my grails.
Some of us have been here before the pop hype. They also have 6 million different licenses so they have something for everyone.

DJYoung looking forward to those pictures of chocolate Buu!
Ahhhh gotcha Max.
All 4 are a must for my wife. Huge peanuts fan.
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