Pics are great as usual. The more of the fusions that come out the more I don't like them. I had a lot of hope for the fusions in general, but there arevery few that I am interested in.
thanks for the pics, but as with most of the fusions...
i seriously think JB broke up into 2 groups this year

CDP= angry collectors with expensive %!@ ways to get classics

fusion= Turn mainstream and come out with bright %!@ colors fitting for dunks soo every kid can walk around looking liek a skittle.

hahaha. shoes look clean but uhhh. no. im not about 2 walk around looking liek the american flag
Keep up the good work heat...if only Brand Jordan worked as hard at making quality Jays as they do at draining our wallets...I'm glad this is my final yearof "active" collecting...I truly feel sorry for those just getting started, they didn't leave u guys crap to work with...
Not getting this colorway myself - I'm waiting for the white/black/reds. But red/white/blue always sells - there's plenty of gear to rock with it.
the orange peel and these are hideous. and i'm on the late bus w/ this one but even the 3s fusions are ugly... after this weekend's 5's, i'llbe waiting for the stealth 20's.
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