FX' Fargo Sunday 10PM ET : Season 4 Episode 8 "The Nadir" Starring Chris Rock 11/08/20

the Italian brother is poorly cast too

both have too much screen time to just ignore

also just assumed it would be Jews instead of Italians with Jason schwartzman being the main guy
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Told yall bout Satchel becoming Mike Milligan. Dude is gonna resent his family for trading him and choose not to go back.
I dont even feel it'll go that way.

His family just might end up all dead and he really is just raised by Rabbi from here on out.

Or it could just be a simple name change.
Nurse Mayflower real crazy. Comes to work, first thing in the morning sees the boss and kills him. Just so she can get the letter.

Chris Rock putting that beating on that boy :rofl: 🔥

Liked the tempered decision of not doing Josto's bidding, not killing Gaetano after being told his son was killed. He sensed the lie.
Show just have the previous seasons tense scenes.

I blame that on terrible casting.

Not really invested in any one character or plot outside of Nurse Mayflower.

I'll finish it out but easily the worst season.
Some of the casting is really good...

but like 1 or 2 or even 3 are just weighing things down
Ok, so what was with the coffin?!
Since like the 2nd ep they have been doing some creepy scary supernatural ghost **** on the side.

See a ghoul/ghost lurking in the dark, got corpses opening coffins, etc.

Cant call it. It's more persistent than that one alien event.

This is like a notch below the weird aura Malvo had.
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Yea, I just started to not give it much thought like the UFOs in season 2. Still dont know what that was about.

I still like this season more than S3. The story is really good.

I'd say the majority of the characters are interesing; Nurse, Cop with OCD, Ethelrida, Josto, Mormon US Marshall, Doctor Senator, Rabbi Milligan, Bandit ladies, burnt face Calamita, etc...

But....Gaetano and Chris Rock just aren't doing it for me. I didn't mind Rock before but the scene where he beats his henchman in this episode, no bueno.
What a massacre. That boy Harrow ****** up a perfect surprise hit.

Patiently waiting to see what Loy meant when he said Fargo.

Would be crazy if Malvo showed up :nerd:


DAMN that turned out worse for them brothers.

Great scenes this ep. Especially with my boy Timothy Olyphant

Oretta is screwed :lol: Wonder how she tries to kill Ethelrieda before she leaves.

Also wonder if Zelmare suses out it was Lou that set up that hit on her and Swanee at the train station.
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:lol: @ Gaetano with 2 pistols blazin', but none of the Fargo guys could land a shot on him!
But damn, that massacre at the train station! :wow:

Interesting discussion about jazz/Charlie Parker between Ethelrida and Loy's son... Charlie Parker's lack of structure was exactly why I never really liked some of his tunes!
Best episode of the season by far, would have liked to see the standoff before the irishman arrived though
Weebay gif

Damn that was a whole like father like son line right there.

Now I'm wondering how Satchel became a cold bastard like Mike Milligan.
Watching yesterday’s episode now. They did a good job filling out these characters. I really am invested in Rabbi and Satchel’s story. :frown:

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