FX' Fargo Sunday 10PM ET : Season 4 Episode 8 "The Nadir" Starring Chris Rock 11/08/20

Finally got around to watching the finale. Loved the ode to The Godfather with Loy dropping the oranges when he got stabbed. Whole season was really just the origin story of Mike Milligan, with all of the other stuff going on in the season just showing how odd of a world he grew up in. So that's pretty cool in retrospect.

Still think this was the weakest season though. 1 and 2 on their own tier far apart from 3 and 4.

yup.. 1 and 2 are top tier

3 isn’t terrible, but the greatness of 1 and 2 makes it look weaker

this season could have been better with better leads, but still was easily 4th
The first 2 seasons are greatest and unlike a number of other shoes have great endings

and since the show is structured the way it is, you can ignore a poor season 4 and not hold it against the greatness of seasons 1 and 2

like with true detective, season 1 is greatness

but game of thrones and lost, you can’t forgot the poor quality of last few seasons because it’s part of the overarching story being told
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