FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

I think one thing to consider is their work schedules. BTH and LaKeith have a lot going on since season one. So their schedules might not be able to line up for two or three months or however long it takes. At this point I'm sure it's a passion project for them. It's probably been split up with Covid and their schedules, so that's why we're getting a split final season. This isn't some Tyler Perry production where it goes pen to post production for a season in two weeks. The non-Atlanta stuff was also probably done out of necessity. So it's amazing how they can make it still entertaining, but still in the same universe.
No one's telling anyone how to feel, it's just an opposing opinion on something subjective. Dude has these weird obnoxious reactions to general conversation. A better comparison would be constantly playing Speakerboxx/Love Below and complaining that it's not Atliens.
I don’t get the wire comparison.

The big difference between season one and two were the Opps and the scale. It all ended up tying together eventually.

I think the only similarity is the social commentary trying to be woven into the story.

Atlanta definitely deserves to be in contention for an Emmy. Not so much for the actors since we didn’t see them enough.
Bruh comparing this season to Speakerboxx/Love Below ?? :ohwell: That was a great album. I still bump Love Below from time to time.

This more like Idlewild. 0]

Yes Wire Season 2 is an underrated season. Like many said it connects the main story.

These have been one-off episodes very loosely tied. :nerd:
I'll give this season a B/B- The cinematography saves it from being a C/C-
I like this season, but can understand why others wouldn't overall. This last episode was definitely the weakest to me, coming off what I thought was the best episode of the the season. ending of the episode when dude tells her to stop had me though :lol:

And The Wire Season 2 comparison doesn't stick well
Didnt care much for this season. Rich Wig was my fave episode and it had none of the cast in it. The non-linear stuff was better that the mainline, felt like this season was Stephen Glover’s transition out of tv shows and into film writing akin to Jordan Peele.
Last episode cool but her (intentionally as an actor) butchering the French accent bothered da hell outta me.
Y'all wild trying to tell people how to feel. 😂 You can't tell me how to watch TV or what to enjoy. The best way for me to describe it still is sometimes all you want is Atliens and all they giving is Speakerboxxx and the The Love Below

i think speakerboxxx and the love below is the wrong analogy

we want to continue this journey with the main characters

and I personally hope the creators get more avenues to express their creativity, but I hope it doesn’t come at the expense of the main characters

best analogy I got is you’re watching a law and order marathon and then it switches to criminal intent
What type of growth/story projection were people expecting? I’m always confused when I hear this because there wasn’t much growth in season 2.
Paper Boi's rap journey is probably the most boring part of the show. What makes the show are the main characters and all of the weird **** they take part in. The anthology aspect of this season expanded the world and shows that in the universe, everything is slightly off. I enjoyed the season and I think it's just going through it's "The Wire Season 2" initial hate phase. Eventually, people will warm up to it. "History Will Absolve" it.

Exactly. One of my fav episodes was Darius taking Earn all over town to get the sword and the dog and the cash and that one was random as hell.

This show has always lived in the abstract but this season they explored and expanded more and more. If you wanted How to make it in America, that show existed and was just ok.. this show is different. I get the show changing from what we initially saw or wanted but I saw Entourage already... I would have been fine if they did that but with Atlanta rap.. but they didn't. I don't need to see the struggles of Paper Boi trying to get a Grammy nomination or the drama with his record label or a dumb rap beef. Instead we saw him struggling with writers block, cancel culture, racism and being a black celebrity, etc.

Earn wasn't just going to be the black version of Eric from Entourage, he struggled, learned, made mistakes, and now he's a good manager. But he's dealing with other real issues like Van or navigating and taking control of his business.

AND THEN, Glover and his team said let's do these offshoot twilight zone black mirror episodes because we have our own show and can do whatever the hell we want. Including showing Skarsgard eating hands and being spit on or reparations or a black test. These dude combined the Twilight Zone with Chappelle Show, plus a rising from the bottom to the top story. You might not love every episode, but I think this is one of the better shows to come out the last ten years or so.

I definitely get wanting to see more of the main people and less offshoots. And if they did a separate show of just that it would have been dope, but they weaved that into this and I was fine with it. Although a strong portion does feel the opposite and that's cool too.
I personally loved the last episode. We've always seen our core characters be the butt of the jokes or be the ones who realize something is off - this time we saw Van be the one driving the surreal narrative and the side characters be reacting along the way. The breakdown at the end pulled it all back together though. Loved the season. The post credit scene feels like it pulled all the offshoot episodes into the world the core group is living; wonder if that will play into future plots at all.

As some said in here - I bet you they are on NT :lol:

As much as people are probably like, “I want to see Paper Boi’s rise in rap”, I'm like, do you actually want to see that? Do you want to see him like slowly work his way up the rap ladder? It's not that interesting. We get it, he's here now. You already know what he's about. Here's where he is right now and let's focus on these stories.
As some said in here - I bet you they are on NT :lol:

As much as people are probably like, “I want to see Paper Boi’s rise in rap”, I'm like, do you actually want to see that? Do you want to see him like slowly work his way up the rap ladder? It's not that interesting. We get it, he's here now. You already know what he's about. Here's where he is right now and let's focus on these stories.

or like with Seinfeld or any other number of shows, we just want to spend time with the characters

i didn’t even think they felt a huge need to move the characters forward in a huge way given the episodes to this point.. I get things charged by the seasons but figured that was more a function of scenarios to get the characters in
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